TV / Correspondents of the TV and the author of the report “and continued to continue in the form of writing łuyan that on the basis of endometrum in Poland” last time. ” The Górnnick noted that the copper’s book would not understand “weapons in the fight against the community, the system, family.
Magdalena łucyan and Katarzya Górezya Górex in 2021, “The journalists also wrote the life of women who are women’s” such beauty. ” Polish is destroying the Polish “that they struggle nine stories with this disease.
Magdalena łuyan said on the basis of the endrometriosis on the basis of the endanger, unfortunately, and the system of these women is actually sees and the system of these women is actually sees and the system of these women is so much time. That this disease affects about a million Poland women.
The book CO -Aarkorkorkan Kóaa Gernk said the book is not created if it is not in 2021 report. After he broadcast “dozens, if the centuries” spoke to the authors. Górinic noted that a few years ago, the endometrum “was not told. – We decided to be drawn to light and sounds sounding to these sick women and when we put it in the air, started avalanches. From the families of women women, we have received hundreds of houses from the houses, and thousands of women have lost hundreds of women’s families.
“Social Property replaced”
– Social warning has changed many things since then. The system is slightly limited but it is slightly beaten. This book needs to do this to break it completely – said Ganninek.
Lukian said the book was not only to women who enduretrum force. – Инчунин, вай барои оилаҳои онҳо, шарикон, шавҳарон, дӯстон, дӯстон, дӯстон, дӯстон, дӯстон ва волидон нишон медиҳад, ки ин занон барои фаҳмидани дурнамои худ чӣ маъно доранд – фаҳмонд.
– These reports and we want them to deal with the fight against the fight against the fight against the fight against them, adding the GHórinick. Lukeian stressed that estometritios can get each month and lasts each day and is very important that the second person knows, what is it important to do.
“Things to hear women often wondering”
Górinnk said more specialists believe that they believe their patients’s pain. – It trusts a woman in the diagnostic process as the key is the key. This is a disease – added he added.
– Things that women have heard over the years when they are reflected to the doctor, they often wonder, rude and rude. Our hero not only heard that this is their beauty. Let’s emphasize that this is not beauty. This is a very serious illness and can be dangerous (…). They hear that when they go to bed, they can have problems with their leaders because they should not be able to cause the disease because they can’t be able to cause disease because they are not able to cause the disease because they can’t get the case with this disease because they are not able to cause disease because they can’t get the case. It’s not all right, that’s all tales – Montdalena łuyan łuyan łuyan.
– We talked to women who have reached mental treatment because they didn’t try to do something with their heads, not with their heads, Katarzya Górinzya Górinzya Górinzya Górinzya Górinzya Górinzya Górinzya Górinzya Górinzya Górinzya Górinzya górinzya górinzya górinzya górinzya górinzya górinzya górinzya gernzyk.
Ҳангоми аз шунидани таърихи қаҳрамонони китоб муаллифон релеф, Магдалена łuynen łuyan łuyan łuyan ҷавоб дод: – Чӣ гуна Вазорати тандурустиро, ки бо гурӯҳи эндирриоз таҳия мекунад, муаррифӣ мекунад. We will not be delayed here here and this is not the last word.
Main Source Source: Topn24