The chairman of the National Election Commission, Sylvester Marciniak, announced on Thursday that he asked Andrzej Domanski, the Minister of Finance, to “immediately” show the legal basis for his request. A day earlier, Domanski asked the National Electoral Commission to explain the decision in which the Commission accepted the financial report of the PiS committee and implemented the decision of the unrecognized chamber of the Supreme Court.
Finance Minister Andrzej Domanski announced on Wednesday that he had asked the National Electoral Commission to interpret the resolution regarding money for PiS adopted at the end of December. The National Electoral Commission then accepted the financial report of the PiS electoral committee and implemented the decision of the unrecognized chamber of the Supreme Court.
READ ALSO: Minister Domanski on the “most important question” asked by the National Election Commission
The head of the National Election Commission will speak
The head of the National Election Commission Sylvester Marciniak responded to the minister’s letter, as reported on Thursday on the website of the National Election Commission, asking “immediately” to indicate the legal basis of the request for the interpretation of the resolution no. . . .
He also mentioned that the head of the Ministry of Finance can use the views of legal experts, including former and current members of the National Election Commission.
Marcinyak also said that the legal basis of the resolution m. 145 paragraph 6 of the Election Code. It states that if the Supreme Court considers the appeal of the financial representative to be justified, the National Election Commission will immediately decide on the adoption of the financial report.
“Therefore, in this case, the legal parema, which has been analyzed many times in the law and doctrine, is used: clara non sunt interpretanda (what is clear is not subject to interpretation)” – we read in Marciniak’s letter. He added that the Minister of Finance is not a party or participant in the process of accepting or rejecting the financial report of the election committee.
Main photo source: PAP