Foundation Popy turned into loans in a special record
Source: magazine in
The clinical condition of Francis Francis is improved and progress was recorded at the practical physiotherape – at Wednesday Bayotlets on Wednesday. Vaticanical Press Office said the bilateral pneona was diagnosed with Francis, “under” controls “, but this is not taken into account.
As the press office on the 34th Francisky Polikellic in the Gemellie Polycelic, the results of clinical analysis is normal. Poper has no fever.
A positive message was taken to be considered that Lucocations were found, that is, the growing number of white cells in the blood.
One day Franciske in therapy, prayer and worked.
Journalists are given in a medical certificate, “the clinical mode of the Holy father improves.” Papa, as noted, “non-non-discriminatory and mechanical ventilation, as well as reduced the need for an oxygen therapy.” The announcement also marks “Machin-drafts and respiratory.”
On Wednesday morning, on the ceremony of the Judgment Joseph and the anniversary has created a mosque.
Read as well: the right hand of the PAIT on Francisk future
Changes in relation to PAPA health
The press department said that in relation to the current case, the next medical news news next week will be announced next week.
It turned out that the press office will provide additional information day. This means that they appear every day.
It was also explained that was not accepted at the sanctuary.
Author / author: SZ
Source: pap
Main photos: PAP / EPA / EPA / FARAIO Fruustaci