President Donald Trump trump trump is 25% on downloading the commitments by Mexico by USMCA contract. He explained that the contract is valid until April 2 of this year. He also cheapest cooperation with anti-trafficking smuggling.
After talking with the Mexican President Clauda Shinba, I agree that he had agreed to be an USMCA contract and a sign of respect to the title.
According to MSNBC, most goods are logged from Mexico, according to USMC principles, the agreement that replaced previous commercial charts.
“Our relationships are very good, we work together within the border, which work on suspension of illegal renovation in the United States and to thank the President of the United States and thanks.
“We will work together”
Seviewum confirmed the customs that he said at the Platform x that he had agreed with the respect of “perfect and respectfully,” in both countries, which have brought unprecedented results.
“We will work together, especially on migration and security, including restricting Fentonyl passages to the United States, as well as weapon to Mexico, – Heinbaum.
Media emphasizes the ban on the customs duties from Canada, which he had done this week with 25%.
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