KAROL NAWROCKI continues to detour around Poland. On Tuesday, he was at CIECHANONW in Mazobia. The meeting lasted nearly an hour, and the organizer had the opportunity to ask the candidate in the presidential election.
At one point, the priest is in the room. The man declared that he would vote for Naurocky to oppose abortion. As he said, May 18 (the day of the presidential election -ed.) His religion has a DZIWISZ campaign inal, and local churches are grown into the sanctuary class. “I think people will leave the church, you know who to vote,” he continued.
Presidential election. Unexpected words of the priest at the meeting with Naurocky
Then the priest mentioned unexpectedly in a dispute between Carol Naurocky and the professor. Antoni Dudec. -The professor is about you. dudek? When you meet him, I mainly advise you to make the right or left -he overtook him and then blessed the President of the National Memory Research Institute.
Applause in the room after the priest’s words. -Basting the priest, I thank these words and support -I easily answered the candidates supported by PIS.
The video is now available on the YouTube platform. The priest took the floor in the 37th minute of the meeting.
He responded to the professor’s “speech” on Tuesday evening. We will publish dudek and Facebook posts. “Father Dean is surprisingly surprising. They are still stained in Poland, so they can still be found in Poland,” he emphasized.
At the same time, he pointed out that Naurocky’s answer was “talking a lot about himself.” “Maybe more than we want to tell us about us about us.” -At summarized historian.
Presidential election. Dudek about nawrocki: He is a non -control man
Nawrocki responded to the professor’s claim. Dhaka. I showed the letter
Nawrocki’s “conflict” with Dudek is about the status of a historian Michałsituki. Scientists were to be fired from the National Memories Research Institute after the book was published by a publisher that was not related to the National Institute of National Memorial.
The candidate supported by the PIS shows a photo of a magazine on November 14, 2024. He faced the information he received and asked Naurocky to it. The Director of the National Memory Research Institute of SZCZECIN KRZYSZTOFMęCIński wants to end employment contracts with historians.
“Withdrew the notification” -Nawrocki was added in writing and explained from his suspected “ruthlessness.” dudek. “Demiurg, a ambitious of public opinion, the entire letter below,” focused on the chairman of the National Memorial Institute in his post.
The candidate supported by PIS appealed for “resistance to false news.” He further emphasized that the gentlemen and Dudec are expecting “normal, gentlemen”. “They lie, lie, lie,” -Naurocky concluded.
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The Republic of the Republic of Poland is critically critically critical about Carol III. GORZKIE’s words were said in “guests of the event”/Polsat News/Polsat News