At the second and last reading, Armenine Parliament adopted a document on the beginning of the Public administration to the European Union – said the Armenman Agency said. European Minister Adam is the Adam Shara, which is just the first step. – A very decision of this country is observed in Europe and is not in the original factors, from the European Organization – acknowledged.
Bill has been started by civil society. Application calls will be collected by 60,000 signatures to start the login process. On 2025, Armenian Parliament adopted the first study of the project. Register agencies stressed that the Readalia accession to the European Union will not be easy, including the conflict with Azerbaijan, which is one of the main suppliers to the EU. Armenia Southwest Western Armenia have been entrusted to the Western Asia, with any EU member is not irreversible.
On Wednesday, while voting, 64 were balanced in favor of law and did not participate the seven opposition representatives in voting.
Armenia-Azerbaijan in the autumn of 2023 in the autumn of 2023 in the autumn of 2023 launches new energy, when the Baku Karaboth had been murder in the Republic of Tajikistan. Despite the Armenia’s appeal, the Moscow Union has done anything for many years and Russia’s honorable troops did not practice. Azerbaijan’s army was occupied by Grski karabach. The region should leave more than 100,000 characters.
Karabah Karabah was catalized for serious social and social tensions (popular protests that invite a permanent commitment, as well as the ranks of Nicola.
In 2024, Armenia, Armenia have implemented the participation of a collective security system, and in the last year, he asked Russia in the airport in the airport. At the same time, the head of Armenian diplomat has declared that his country has been actively “the concept of membership to the European Union.
At the same time, Armenia tried to finish the conflict with Azerbaijan, which ends the stage of “hot”, ie before the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the middle midges of the two countries announced an agreement on the peace agreement. The latest spots of this Agreement are in order to achieve mutual needs and regulation of this issue at the international level.
SZłapa: It’s just the first step
The Minister of EU SZłapa, he asked Wednesday, which is the first step on the accession of the economy and the rule of law.
– The very decision of Armenia is observed in Europe and is not in the original in Russia, is important from the European security point of view. But this is a very important signal for European societies because it is the reality of the millions of the millions of people in the world, and said.
He asked him that he “has no chat at this stage on the start of admission of admission.” He added that “now everything is in the hands of Armenia.” – We are our interest that stability, economic development and security as possible as possible.
Main photos: Adobestock