Scientists have discovered and classified a new species of highly venomous spider. This is Atrachus Christensen, nicknamed “Big Boy”, a large breed of Australian tarantula that is considered one of the safest creatures in the world. “I do not recommend touching them in any way, they secrete a large amount of poison,” – says one of the researchers of dangerous spiders.
The discovery of “Big Boy” was made by scientists from Australia’s Flinders University, the Australian Museum, and Germany’s Leibniz Institute, Reuters reports. The results of their study were published on Tuesday.
The spider was first discovered in 2000 by Cain Christensen near the city of Newcastle, 170 kilometers from Sydney. It can reach up to 9 centimeters in length, making it almost twice the size of any previously known species of Australian tarantula.
“This spider is much larger, the venom glands are much larger, the fangs are much longer,” said Cain Christensen, former head of spiders at the Australian Reptile Park. In recognition of his contributions to research, his name is included in the Latin name of the species.
Australia. Scientists have discovered a new species of spider. very toxic
Atrax christenni is classified as a separate species. It mainly occurs within a 150km radius of Sydney. Their greatest activity occurs from November to April.
Among other things, new species may emerge. For your bedroom or garage. “I never recommend touching them. They secrete a lot of poison,” says Christensen.
Scientists believe that in the case of both “Big Boy” and the previously known Australian tarantula, the male’s bite could be fatal.
Reference: Australia. A swimmer was attacked by a shark. The woman was taken to the hospital in critical condition
The Australian Museum has released data showing a total of 13 deaths have been recorded since the discovery of the antigen for Australian tarantula venom in the 1980s.
However, it was emphasized that the same antidote is effective against the “big boy” bite as for the classic version of the Australian tarantula.
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