Author: 5hspx

The President of French Emmanuel has certified the motor that he will organize another session on Ukrainian with the heads of European and from Europe. He also announced that with the political forces in the country will talk about the threat of Russia, as he added, the development of accidents is becoming more and uncomfortable. “According to diplomatic sources, the daily basis, among the calls, Canadia, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden. , Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden. In an interview with the regional media, plates said the French to…

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Zucoma wavefalled with Lucs with Poland, although exciting is behind us. This attack on the invisible scale. Doctors are doubled and openly, the system damage the patients. This is not only a large number of files but a large number of deaths.- The wave of epidemic will be completed – says Dr. Pav A Gradetsyovsy, a sanitary head. – This number of cases from the beginning can even reach two million – he adds.The flu has been damaged this season in Poland. At least one thousand people, so far, a thousand people have been killed in hospitals 23,000 people were…

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The owner of “Snowy Village,” a popular tourist attraction in southwestern China, has decided to close it due to many complaints from disappointed tourists. The snow seen in the ad photos turns out to be in fact a tall, huge piece of cotton. The Daily “South China Morning Post” writes about tourist scams. The facility, which opened in the outskirts of Chengdu at the end of January, was to become an attraction that attracts tens of thousands of visitors. However, “snowy villages” have become popular not because of their picturesque winter scenery. Negative comments about the objects began to multiply…

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Woned in Tuesday, Euragkscopps. Snn growth cumulatulatulatulation 70 million. In Poland, the highest victory in UNN is 230,000. These are the figures that are understood on February 18th 1825.On Tuesday, Feb February 18, 4, 19, 4, 19, 44 and 2 and 2 and 3 and 3. Because the collections gathered on SNN 70 million.The highest three percent of the second degree – the second degree – in Germany. They set up 477,53,90 euros. Also in the third grade, the third rate is in the Iceland – in the same amount. The winner was recorded in Poland, was the fourth grade.…

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Guwarston, England, A strong combination has been found in the village of Gwards. The people of the neighboring buildings were delivered due to a fountain. The region was provided by the police. On Monday, Bi-Vann was drowned on Monday on high street street in the Church, the Bi-Vann. He added to grow holes until the afternoon. Due to threat, the police delivered the residents of neighboring premises and recommends people to prevent from this region.Zapadlisho in England In recording from Crain you can see that the sound was absorbed in the center of the road and the yard part. The…

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Peter Doran, the facilitator of Deman, believes that the President of Trump tries for peace peace in Ukraine. The key element of this process is to increase the pressure of economic pressure. It is scientifies that Russia is more weak than it has a additional penalty. It suggests that they maintains them into Russian trade organizations and the increase in arms to Ukraine. Such a strategy to force Putin to choose a room.Talk to the conditions of peace for Ukraine. “Use to Russia” – The table does not match even at its level. The peace process is still active in…

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– Ман имрӯз бо ин шунаво ба “далелҳо” MP “MP” MP-и Ростиковҳо, ки ба шунидани Бюрои марказии зиддикоррупсионии Agnisszka kvostkowska kwatkowssowska-gurdak аз ҷониби Комиссияи PEGASUS муроҷиат мекунад. According to the Tamjakj Thrica, “The prestige is not likely to ask an urgent report.” Рӯзи сешанбе сардори Бюро маркази зиддикоррупсиони зиддикоррупсионии Агниесса КВАККАКАКАКАКАКАКАКАКАКАИ КИШВАРДИ КУИ ПЕШАЛАТҲО. Within the clear part of the survey, he said, “She could not provide more information in such a method.” According to the results of pringi24 and tvn24 CBA.Tuesday guests from “Facts Forms” Chiefs of Pegasus Investigative Committee: Thomas Gla Kluzik-Rostkik-Rostkik-Rostkik-Rostkik-Rostkik-Rostkovska (ko). – I don’t satisfy such…

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In Kontakt24, we recorded that how a male passes in the power scooter between cars and cover them. “It’s Sirely Felt True Religion,” the authorous author of the recording.A dangerous situation was held on February 3 p.m. 4th on the Krakov Street. The Shari law broke the rules of the movement.”Not only, not only 50 kilometers per hour but in the middle of the roads, writes” the author of the record. “It’s possible that these are not the first exercise”He adds this way that the man moved in the scooter will lead to many housing property. “She’s very busy but…

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“Pope Francis is suffering from bilateral pneumonia,” a Vatican news agency informed. As emphasized, the Roman bishop is “feeling better,” but the clinical state is very complicated. The 88-year-old Pope has been suffering from respiratory infections for more than a week. On February 14th, he was taken to Gemera’s Roman Hospital. In an interview with a journalist a few hours ago, the director of the press conference for the saint Matteo Bruni reported that the night of the church’s head “walked by calmly.” – The Pope rested, woke up this morning, had breakfast, and spent some time reading the newspaper,…

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European Conference on Ukraine’s Safety The French president convened a meeting for general security in Ukraine and Europe on Wednesday. This time, during Monday’s turn, representatives of the country appear at Elysie Palace. Canada was also invited to the table. The invited countries listed by the agency’s informants include Norway, Canada, the Baltic States, the Czech Republic, Greece, Finland, Romania, Sweden and Belgium. The meeting scheduled for Wednesday will allow some countries to participate remotely. To date, discussions have been about Ukraine’s security and meet the pace of the US, where increasingly sophisticated conversations aimed at increasing the increase in…

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