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Author: 5hspx
Researchers at the Northern University, the North Carolina checked the ability of powder for guidance for guidance in the field. It turned out that the magnetic field of land helps them. Thanks to him, they cover thousands of kilometers and turn right there. When researchers are made in a artificial environments, the tortoises have been “dancing”. Many migration animals, like travel birds, fish (breakfast and shaking), sea buckthorns use the magnetic field of land to navigate land. This is called at the memory letter, IE use the ability to detect the magnetic field and use it for the direction in…
Christophe Horsgen closed the 61st edition of the Munich Security Conference on Sunday. Therefore, he also ended his term as chairman of the event, which began in 2022. The end of the Munich Safety Conference. – Thanks to Ewald von Kleist, the Munich Conference was born as a transatlantic conference, but after Vice President Vance’s speech, we fear that our common values are less common – Heusgen says Ta. See: French summit confirmed. Poland on the participant list The German diplomat thanked European leaders, particularly the President of Ukraine Volodimia Zernsky, for talking about the safety and future of Europe.…
The plane with 216 passengers flew from Sharm El Shek in Egypt to Clublow Airport in Russia. However, due to heavy snow, it was impossible to land at the target airport. The machinery belonging to the Almasria Universal Airlines line had approached the runway several times, but every time the pilot decided on a retreat. Poznan. Emergency aircraft landing with Russian tourists After several failed landing attempts, they turn around and decide to land at the Warsaw airport. However, they did not receive permission and decided to head to the airport in Poznan. After consulting with the Polish Air and…
Heavy snowfall burning on Qönigsberg. For this reason, A321 flight from shame Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Eld E Es Egypt Elder Elder Elli-avic landing. There were 216 passengers on board. Before 10 o’clock they turns another trip.Sunday Sunday, Poznań-ławica airport is called A321 airport airport at Poznań-ławica airport. Genryi Vichinssss.He stressed the Saturday night about 23.30, airport service in Poznań Administration, which accept Airbus Airburses with 216 passengers in the delegation.Focused on a stop position”Саволе, ки аз ҷониби нозири Агентии роҳнамо оид ба авлавигардонии Лаҳистон (PANSSE) бо дархости Машварат ба Гвардияи сарҳадӣ ва ширкати тиҷоратии хидматрасонии хидматрасонии фурудгоҳ оварда шудааст,…
French Foreign Ministry Head Jean Noel Barott confirmed that on Monday there was a peak in Paris where the participation of European partners was dedicated to European security. He called them “working meetings.” France. An extraordinary peak has been confirmed Barott also said that French President Emmanuel Macron had invited “major European countries” to Paris. When asked about participants in the meeting, he said confirmation of participation was just coming. Reference: Behind the scenes of Trump’s plans in Ukraine have been revealed. “Very radical” He emphasized that it should not be “dramatized such meetings” because they are so common. -We…
Next days will bring many snowfalls in a part of the country. In places, there will be augment winds that can lead to snow soldiers together with rainfall. Check what the weather brings. On Monday Aura Aura Aura adds Aura in most country. During the day, the elderly growth is intended for moderate and large in the northeast of the country with snow to 2-5 centimeters in the second part of the day. A variable wind, the weak wind scattered. Only in the north and the east, it will be stable and very strong, the northwest, which is growing 40-50…
Recently discovered asteroid 2024 YR4 is 1.6%. It could hit the ground in 2032. The probability of a collision is small, but increases regularly. If the space lock hits our planet, it can cause serious, although only local damage. Scientists from NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) estimated that there is 1.6% of the asteroid named YR4 in 2024. Possibility of collision with the ground. The probability is small, but increases regularly. The asteroid was discovered just after 1.2%. Some researchers believe it could be up to 2 or 2.3%. Asteroid 2024 YR4. The chances of collisions are increasing…
War in Ukraine. NATO officials have criticized Ukrainians. The weapon goes to the Russians’ hands
Misuse of weapons and the use of tactics from the Soviet era – these are NATO officers’ allegations against soldiers in the Ukrainian army. According to the British, Ukrainians lose a large amount of equipment due to poor use on the battlefield. The Sunday Telegraph writes about the criticism of the Ukrainian military, a representative of NATO. According to the officers, equipment sent as part of the aid package is used very often in the mindset of illness. This leads to significant losses in equipment and ammunition. One British officer cites an example of the NLAW anti-guiding system used by…
The British Telegraph reveals behind the scenes of President Donald Trump’s plans on Ukraine. It shows that Ukraine gives Russia 20%. Its territory and peace are guaranteed by the words of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and the international military, but there is no participation from the United States. Furthermore, if Russia is reattacking, neither Washington nor NATO are obligated to protect Ukraine. According to the newspaper, after reading the plan, the British officer was to curse Juicy. “There is one obvious risk to such a solution, but European authorities are shocked by the fact that Trump and Putin seem to…
Tekst pierwotnie ukazał się 30 maja 2020 roku. Został zaktualizowany.Sto lat temu na zagraniczne wojaże decydowali się tylko najodważniejsi. A już prawdziwą odwagę trzeba było mieć, by ruszyć w świat niemal bez grosza przy duszy, jak Tadeusz Perkitny i Leon Mroczkiewicz. Ze swojej podróży dookoła świata wrócili dokładnie 95 lat temu.Work and travel lat 20.Poznali się w 1912 roku, w drugiej klasie gimnazjum. Leon przyszedł do szkoły, a pruski belfer kazał mu zająć miejsce w ławce “obok tego głupka Perkitnego”. Od tego momentu niemal wszystko robili razem: walczyli w powstaniu wielkopolskim, poszli na te same studia, wyruszali na wspólne wyprawy…