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Author: 5hspx
War in Ukraine. NATO officials have criticized Ukrainians. The weapon goes to the Russians’ hands
Misuse of weapons and the use of tactics from the Soviet era – these are NATO officers’ allegations against soldiers in the Ukrainian army. According to the British, Ukrainians lose a large amount of equipment due to poor use on the battlefield. The Sunday Telegraph writes about the criticism of the Ukrainian military, a representative of NATO. According to the officers, equipment sent as part of the aid package is used very often in the mindset of illness. This leads to significant losses in equipment and ammunition. One British officer cites an example of the NLAW anti-guiding system used by…
The British Telegraph reveals behind the scenes of President Donald Trump’s plans on Ukraine. It shows that Ukraine gives Russia 20%. Its territory and peace are guaranteed by the words of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and the international military, but there is no participation from the United States. Furthermore, if Russia is reattacking, neither Washington nor NATO are obligated to protect Ukraine. According to the newspaper, after reading the plan, the British officer was to curse Juicy. “There is one obvious risk to such a solution, but European authorities are shocked by the fact that Trump and Putin seem to…
Tekst pierwotnie ukazał się 30 maja 2020 roku. Został zaktualizowany.Sto lat temu na zagraniczne wojaże decydowali się tylko najodważniejsi. A już prawdziwą odwagę trzeba było mieć, by ruszyć w świat niemal bez grosza przy duszy, jak Tadeusz Perkitny i Leon Mroczkiewicz. Ze swojej podróży dookoła świata wrócili dokładnie 95 lat temu.Work and travel lat 20.Poznali się w 1912 roku, w drugiej klasie gimnazjum. Leon przyszedł do szkoły, a pruski belfer kazał mu zająć miejsce w ławce “obok tego głupka Perkitnego”. Od tego momentu niemal wszystko robili razem: walczyli w powstaniu wielkopolskim, poszli na te same studia, wyruszali na wspólne wyprawy…
The Cutter, who attacked Austria’s city of Villach on Saturday, was a 14-year-old fatal wounded and a 23-year-old Syrian applying for asylum, police have decided. The young man was an Islamist, and authorities classified his crimes of terrorist acts with religious motives. Police determined that the attacker was a 23-year-old Syrian, applying for asylum. Austrian Home Minister Gerhard Karner linked his attack on Sunday with SO-Called Islamic State. The perpetrator was to be radicalized due to content on the Internet. See: Cutter attack in Austria. One person is dead and some are injured The incident occurred in the heart of…
To an event in Płońsk poviot (voivodeciphip) Source: Google maps On Saturday, in the rays of the 60’s national 60-year-in-rental (Mashalov) cars, which was five people, including five people. This is the result of five people in front of another car. The incident occurred about 18.35. The police have been informed from the płońs that laid two cars on toursk.She was before it was soyota”Mercedes was able to be a 23-year-old citizen and roof. The 23-year-old went to the hospital for the study.Accident in DK 60 in CirecirestSource: Shps on płońskThe police are at the same time at the same…
Francis did not appear in the Sunday prayer of the Lord Angelus. The reason for this is the long-term stay of the Pope at Jemera Poli Clinic due to bronchitis. The doctor advised him to take an “absolute rest,” which is why the Pope didn’t appear in public. With a letter from the hospital, he greeted the faithful people and showed them what intent they should pray for. Pope Francis is in the hospital due to bronchitis. Due to the Sunday prayer of the Lord Angelus, he was unable to guide in the traditional way – from the window to…
On Saturday, three Israelite bets were released. Two of their bodies were in the captivity of humor and one – Islamic aspects. Local media reports what happened when holding gas.Three hostages on Saturday after 498 days from the Gaza, from the Gaza, and the destiny of the “the time of Israel” told the destiny of the Simbers of Israel. Hamros are issued for 183 central TV channels”She has been angry with your friends and fear the worst”Sagi Chen and Jaire Dewes Shop Freken Free and Akesig (SASHA) has arrested the Palestinian Islamic Trushes. All three in Changes were detained, mainly…
Abhinav Goel and Dilnawaz PashaBBC Hindi, DelhiCrowds join the deadly “Stampede” at New Delhi StationSunday morning, New Delhi station in the capital of India was very much like what it always does; Animated, with its many platforms full of impatient and impatient passengers waiting to take their trains.But Saturday evening, a deadly crushing – which would have been caused by overcrowding – killed at least 18 people and made several injured.According to officials, two trains had been delayed at the station, while a third – heading towards Prayagraj, where the massive Hindu religious festival, Kumbh Mela, was held – was…
“As a historian and politician, the only thing I can say today is Munich. Never again” – an entry for this content was posted by Donald Tass. In the next post, the government head referenced the words of Wołodymyr Zelanski and attacked the PI and the Union. The Prime Minister mentions the Munich Security Conference. Here, the main topic is the final step of the US president towards war in Ukraine. Donald Tass has posted an entry on the network that mentioned a security meeting in Munich. “As a tourist, I really like this place. Nice people, great beer, great…
– The importance was many people here and it was difficult to go. The merchants, which took part in each base and waited, and we await the customer today. – There was a power here here was the largest market in Europe. – people people from Dushanbe to Sunday. Many visitors. The trainings from Moscow or Leningrad – said sellers from the market on the Kavalic street on Bielstock street. The well-known market in Bulstock was once the largest commercial structure in the region, which attracted the crowds of the Polish and abroad, especially in the 1990s. Now this place…