Author: 5hspx

Gdy w 2003 roku odbierał Oscara za główną rolę męską w “Pianiście”, był najmłodszym laureatem w tej kategorii. Miał 29 lat. Wydawało się, że odtąd wielkie role będą trafiały do niego regularnie. Tymczasem musiał czekać aż 22 lata na kolejną na miarę swojego talentu. Los sprawił, że jego bohater to znów ocalony z Holocaustu. “The Brutalist” gdzie gra architekta z Węgier, który ucieka za ocean i śni swój American Dream to jednak skrajnie inne kino. Tylko Brody jest równie wielki i znów idzie po Oscara.Trudno uwierzyć, ale powodem, dla którego nie zrobił gigantycznej kariery wzorem swoich rówieśników – Leonarda DiCaprio…

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97. The heavens are explanation of films of movies for movies since last year. MANAAN O’TARON for hosting the host. First Moore to “Her inherited” – “Emilia Peres” and “bad”. Heavens, or annual prizes of the film, which are members of the Academy of America’s films and knowledge of American, are the most common popular. 9905 Members and members of the Autonomy Academy decide to be available. Since 1929 – from the first Gala – 3441 of Statectures were given. Since March 2002, the Oslite ceremony was held at the Dolby Theater in the Hos Angeles in Los Angeles. The…

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US President Donald Trump revealed the names of five cryptocurrencies he says he would like to be included in a new strategic reserve to make the United States “the capital of the cryptographic world”.The market prices of the five rooms he appointed – Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Solana and Cardano – all quickly jumped after the announcement.During Trump’s presidential campaign, he aggressively courted the cryptographic community. Former American president Joe Biden had supervised a repression against crypto due to concerns about fraud and money laundering.We don’t know how the new stock will work. Friday, more information is expected when Trump plans…

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Details were presented by Emmanuel Macron in an interview published by France’s Le Figaro. The text was published on the portal’s website after the end of its informal peak in London, during which leaders from several countries, primarily in Europe, discussed further support for Ukraine.The most important element of the UK’s France-UK peace plan is the introduction of monthly weapons halts. However, this applies only to “air, sea, and critical infrastructure” activities. According to Emmanuel Macron, the advantage of such a solution is “easy to measure.”- We need to understand that today’s front is Budapest, the equivalent of the Paris…

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Shai Charles III met on Sunday with the President of Ukraine Parliament. Ukrainian President’s President Adultly came to Sandringem in Monarchy in the eastern England.The king held in the area where the Smrings village was in Norfolk. The meeting was held at the request of the President of Ukraine, with the consent of the British government – emphasizes the BBC.The existing news residents of sand and Shoconomous residents near the Royal residence collected the desire to Ukraine, but Ukrainian flags had.The British website says a meeting lasted less than an hour and the jellar “warm”. Wołodudymyreyr zeelnski with British British…

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– France and Britain offer monthly ceasefires “in the air and in the sea” in Ukraine – Emmanuel Macron declared after the safety summit in London. The French president also suggested that European countries should increase their defense spending to 3.5%. GDP. On Sunday in London there was a peak dedicated to the safety of Ukraine and Europe. Leaders from several European countries participated, including Prime Minister Donald Tass and President Udamir Zernsky of Ukraine. Head of Justin Trudeau of the Canadian Government. A trip to Ukraine. Emmanuel Macron with details At the meeting, they agreed to continue working on…

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“I am ready to sign the United States and Mineral Act,” declared Vodimir Zwiski. The Ukrainian president believes he can restructure his relationship with the US president. Previously, Donald Trump’s management revealed that the agreement was “no longer on the table.” On Sunday evening, Ukrainian President Vodimir Zerodisky was convinced that he could restructure his relationship with US leader Donald Trump after the conflict at the White House on Friday. He added that the conversation should continue in a different format. What’s next for the Minerals Act? Zełenski: Ready I would like to remind you that the US Ukraine agreement…

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After Friday, Mike Waltz, adviser to the US President for National Security, spoke on CNN about the potential changes in Ukrainian authorities. “We need a leader who can deal with us and we can ultimately end this war with the Russians,” he said. See: Fatal information in Ukraine? US: Mineral Agreements are not on the table In his opinion, “If President Zelansky’s personal or political motivation turns out to be different from his desire to end the fight in this country, I think we have a real problem.” Mike Waltz criticizes Zelasky’s actions. “Incredible pranks” Waltz also spoke about Ukraine’s…

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– You imagine that the President of the Republic of Police who goes to the United States and says: I will require the next troops, because there will be a dangerous position. Well, we say. So he was voted and nothing is written to the bush – this is how the przetmiscłyyry zwwne z celyyry thyyry. Ukrainian Ambassador in Polish is the word answered to these words to address that such a rhetorcade repeated Russia and Poland and Europe’s security. “Along with the Conference of the Program of Council, the Caremich Caremich Caremich, Mparemisharkarkarkarkardark has explained at Friday and Ukrainian…

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An entry on the social channels of Ukrainian leaders appeared shortly after Kiev at 10pm (21 in Poland). Wołodymyr Zelanski thanked the leader who spoke to in London. On the future of Ukraine’s conflict.”We feel strongly support Ukraine, our country, our soldiers and civilians, and our independence. Let’s work hard in Europe and create a solid foundation for cooperation with the United States in the name of true peace and security,” he wrote.The Ukrainian president said during the meeting he was convicted of the need to support Kiev in further repelling Russian invasions, and actions were announced to strengthen the…

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