Polish electricity networks control their infrastructure using drones and helicopters. Baltics states are in the abolition of the power grid with Russia and joining Europe. On Saturday, mating and complete integration with the European Network will be held on Sunday. Meanwhile, there is a network of “Baltic regulation” network. These historical changes are. Polish role is in this.
Acknowledgles and helmet control wheels near the high line. Polskie Seei Telie Elektreecze increases its infrastructure monitoring. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are removed from the energy energy system.
– We want to be aware of recruitment and transmission to synchronization, which is the end of the Polish Energy Network.
Service in Preparatory mode
The transmission between the Baltika and Russia and Belarus were suspended in the morning. The energy of these countries will operate in another Lonword Island for several hours. Connecting to the West System but not fully integrated with it.
– In the eastern Eastern, we have resources. We also have a spare plan. We are ready. Even if there is an attempt to interrupt this process, nothing is changing – Eston Estonian Cristen Christen Michal Michal.
Historical operation will continue until Sunday. Systems should also coordinate so that the current process is implemented.
– We are from threats and ready. In these days, we have reached support of the Armed Service and Armed Forces, the President of the Latvadon Irvilis, the President of the Latvis’s Network HPP.
Read too, “We have disappeared.” Lithuania out of the Russian system
Давлатҳои Балтика акнун ба се кабели киштиҳо такя мекунанд, ки онҳоро бо Финляндия ва Шветсия пайвастанд ва як Luteco пайваст аз Полхай тавассути Полша тавассути Suwałki тавассути Suwałki ба Литтмус пайваст мешаванд.
In December, inclusive link between Estonia and Finland has been damaged with an ancharch, which belongs to Russian Savoi, and Finland and Finland and Finland was damaged. Later a unit was arrested by the commander of Finland. A moon before, after the incident, the cable briefly stopped doing his work shortly between Lithuania and Sweden.
– Инфраструктураи зери об дар зери ҳашами ҷанг, ки чаро истиноде, ки пас аз замин гузаштааст, латифа беҳтар аст, ки назорат карда мешавад, назорат карда мешавад, назорат карда мешавад – Нишон дода шудааст – Нишон дода шудааст.
Professor Ceatoqokov: Polish on the basis of the international situation, especially conflict in Ukraine becomes a strategic state and community.
Another connection is created
Poland Pelting In the 1990s in the 1990s in the 1990s, this process began 15 years ago. The European Union has invested more than one billion euros.
– Now the system is completely under our control. Sustainable energy system in the current geopolitical situation – says from Melnis Carles, climate Minister of climate and Latvia energy.
In the past, Russia has used electricity to achieve its political goals.
– We had a energy war to the energy crises before the potential of the energy crisis. Any decline in Putin’s impact in the energy area is very important to emphasize that the defeat – Paulina, Minister of Climate and Environment from Poland 2050.
By 2030, the other – the second – a strong links to the land plot between Poland and Baltics is established.
Main photos: Fakty Thann