Bodnar: Wrzosek prosecutor as one of the brave with such a matter
Source: Topn24
A duty is established that deprovers the prosecutor’s office in the office of the prosecutor’s office, the Minister of Justice and the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Prosecutor. ” About the prosecutor Erta with Englishs who asked the screenth before his death and said “brave” and “there are” many processes “.
In the Minister of Justice, the “facts after the facts killed” Facts “about the death of Barbara, who had died three days, as a witness of the prosecutor’s office.
The head of the heard of the date of hearing has announced Ieva Veva Vaevrazoke that threatens him and therefore protected.
Bodhtar: Wrzosek is a brave prosecutor
The Minister of Justice said that this “is inevitable that the situation in this death combined with the prosecutor’s office.”
– Death occurred three days after survey. Moreover, there was no protests for the order of mutual interest. Ман чунин тасаввурот дорам, ки ин мақола ба мақомоти прокуратура эътимод дорад, аммо дар маҷмӯъ, ба ҳама чизҳое, ки ҳоло рух дода истодааст, имкони фаҳмидани он аст, ки дар замони қонун ва адлия, дар вақтҳои қонун ва адолат мубориза мебурдам.
Ewa crzoske Bodnar, acknowledged one of the “one of the” confirming prosecutors that apply to the action of PI politicians.
That decided to give the Wrzose case
It was that it was the case of the Warsaw and, the district prosecutor who also knew the National Prosecutor also knew.
He asked him to influence this decision, he answered, “I try to do so, not to deal with your progression, not to deal with its progression (…). Of course I get such information, but when it is already taken, I will accept it.
– I think something crucial (when it is,) is only an act of prosecutor, whether an individual is being continued to address these justice. Bahnar also stated that the Tajik dealer has a lot of duck experience “.” I don’t see any restrictions that it should not be treated “he doesn’t have to deal with this issue.
The prosecutor has the right to make such decisions “
Bavnar also expresses the expression of Barbara Scriptipke on absence. – In this case, the prosecutor had the right to do so, as well as another decision. Here is a completely different situation that no one in the event that this person can be suspected.
At the same time, he added that “it was assessed to change the order, that it may not be a question on the one hand, which does not agree with the person who does not agree with the representative and agree with the representative of the representative.
Body: DM should be started in decoration
Bodnar also called the state demonstration of the District Policy Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw on Warsaw. They cried out words like “Harcards”, “Sociamopatka” or “Woman Woman”. In one of the records, you can hear that “I make her” although the bees meant.
Its girring heard that he was sent by the event with the participation of this event with decorative participation.
– I think the European Parliament is not only reflected, but also determines us, but also determines us and to represent all the basic moral standards. Calls to violence or very insulting words not in the case of a person who is the prosecutor’s office to the European Parliament – BEDNAR is not assessed.
Adam Babnar About Running Decorating Conduct: Eviews should be started
Source: Topn24
– I am convinced that in the case, explanatory proceedings, ethical trials begin according to the property of the European Parliament. Therefore, the letter to the chairman of the metolian houses – explained.
– I am not sure that this is a criminal trial file because it is a little colleague and sometimes they also agree to the prosecutor’s office – said the prosecutor General.
There was no comment on the survey
Barbara ScroPape was a member of the Board of Institute Lech Kaczyński, which is key shares of the SREbra company. Дар солҳои 1980-ум дар замонҳои солҳои 1980-ум дар замони Ҷумҳурии Лаҳистон, вай дар баробари чор президенти Вазирон дар баробари чор президенти Ҷумҳурии Лаҳистон кор кард: JóZef Pińkowski, Wojciech jaruzelski, zbigieckskiviscave ва messysław rakozysławawawadi.
Politicians, including party Harosław Kaczyński, believe that there is a relationship between her charity and death. According to a newspaper Wybabza, the testimony of violence in the prosecutor’s office were “disadvantomat.” The President of the country talked to his phone after interrogation. He knew about that conversation was taken after his death.
Prosecutor’s Office Espe the participation of the use of the use of use of use of use of use of use. The district prosecutor’s office was in Warsaw, as well as the prosecutor of Grosses, declared legal steps to the people to be about the survey and death of Barbara Scope.
Author / author: mjz / b
Source: Topn24
Source of Key Photo: Pavs Supernak / Pap