Kaczyński: Barbara Scripke victims to farmers who led to her death
Source: Topn24
After the death of Barbara Scropizisec, politicians politicians and current bodies will be accused of the prosecutor’s office and current authorities. They show that his death can be associated with the survey on the “Two towers”. The President of the country Kharosin Kaczyński stated that the scriptin is “a sacrifice to the villages.” On Sunday, records were found with similar content in the commercial and justice of justice. “We will not be intimidated” – thunderstorms.
Barbara Sftripk Free Friday President of the CISs of Persian Kackya, died on Saturday. Confirmation of this information, the Conflict suggested that prosecutors are responsible for deaths that he was responsible for his death, which discusses him in the inspection of the Srebross Wednesday.
Former colleagues of Kacakoyski answered the prosecutor as a witness. The district prosecutor’s office asked on Warsaw and the prosecutor again asked the tusir, and the tusir is looking at the highest standards.
“She was sacrificed to the farmers that caused her death.”
Near the president, which has recalled the Mrshia in the Sunday on Sunday. She talked about “emergency skills” – Barbara Scripte to organize all political formation. ”
– She was such a genetery in itself. He was ordered order. And not everyone at the party, including me. And the fact that this side of the work was always the most complete archives, which we had ordered (…) it was – said Kaczyński.
– I am sad for him. I think many others take care of him because he can be good, hot, well and at the same time noted that the country’s president and at the same time noted the President of the country.
After these words, Kaczyński stated that the scriptemist said “A sacrifice to victims to death of death”. – I want to say it clearly. They try to defend yourself today, they fear you today but not afraid – he said.
Politicians with one voice. They publish the same statement
The legislation and justice tries to put the death of Barbara Scrizzpke Shipa Screispaper with your interrogation to the prosecutor’s office. On Sunday, records with similar content in the profiles of Safe politicians appear in social media, which shows the coordinated action.
Therefore, he is in peace in the Presentative, Barbara Barbara Scrotarta, Barbara Barbara Barbara and the direct relationship and temple, and Roman people with him. We will not be intimidated “- we read in the entry of the CIS President, publish on Sunday platform at 14:30.
A large call and hours of the survey was a great throw and stress for Barbara Squires. Barbara Barbara Hersel, when he applied to a lawyer, but only after the survey. Mrs. Barbara death has a …
– jarosła kaczyński (@ofyjyjyjk) March 16, 2025
It is the same statement in social media, including MPS RADOEL, Sbastian Kaleta, Anita Czerwińńń an and przemysław CzerwińSka and przemysław CzernwińSka and Przemysław Czernweka and Przemysław Czernnek. The ex-study minister copied the content with an explanation. “In this fears worried about funing. It may be afraid of fear, which is the result of all tragic consequences of their actions” (original spelling). Login by a statement by the Skregyk representative joined it.
In this fear, the bodies are worried about. Probably this fear of all tragic consequences of their actions. Therefore, it should be noted that:
A lot of interviews and hours of polluted by the Hearrosokurator’s Neopoucturator was very Barbara Sepplayed Pice.twitter.com/zbvpqnog4u
– Przemmissławawawawawawawa (@czarnekppp) March 16, 2025
Gotkievic statement also published by the Head of Marius Zugenec and former Matusz Matiziecki party negotiations. Verily, do not forgive those who who are open. – the former government’s head.
Concerning Proscode Prosclock the legitimate “crucial” legends
The concesskec stated that he was “strict steps and judgments” to persons leading to their race threats on Sunday. On the Sabbath, also written in the portal X by Conocol, which he was “his lady’s survey at the Warsawal Office at the center of all high trials.”
Prosecutor’s office
Once the scripts were given by the district prosecutor in Warsh.
“On the case of information on the death of Barbara Scenek, at 10:00, was delayed in the time of the survey.
On the prosecutor’s office was reported, “the victim’s prosecutor was considered as a law on the disposal of Article 183 of the criminal proceedings.” Did not require that. This article says “Witness is ashamed to answer if the answer to the crime or crime if it is exposed to her testimony.”
“Reference took place in a very cultural climate, none of participants did not submit comments, conditions, or applications for correcting the protocol,” reported.
In addition, it has been added to “the combination of the death of his testimony with the survey and raise the direct relationship between the interview and the case.” “We add deep sympathies and their loved ones to lose” – finally.
Author / author: Momo / Tok
Source: Pttshgan 244.pl
Main photos: PAP / przemissła Piątkowski