In the city of Bukovec, Kuyaavu Pomnr, a 19-year-old young man entered the bus stop without adjusting his speed to the road conditions. Fortunately, there was no one waiting for the bus at that time. The driver was fined and given penalty points.
The incident happened on Tuesday morning (November 12) in the city of Bukovec in the province of Switzerland. Services received the report shortly after 9 am.
Two fire brigades and a police guard were dispatched to the scene.
A 19-year-old man stopped at the bus stop
According to commissioner Joanna Tarkowska from the Shwesi district police station, the driver of the car was a 19-year-old man who over-controlled the car and crashed into the bus stop.
– A 19-year-old man did not adjust his speed to the traffic conditions, then entered the bus stop. Fortunately, no one was hurt. There was no one at the bus stop at that time. The driver was fined and given penalty points, Commissioner Joanna Tarkowska said.
Main photo source: Bukowec Volunteer Fire Department