On Tuesday, late on the edge of Bielsko-Biado-Biado station, the main rider, which went to Katowice from zava. Bartesto Wnuk, Sushan, the railway of the railway on the series, said nothing was done with someone.
Bostau barnuk said the incident occurred on Tuesday before 8PM. – the third row of the fourth train. The latest contents were still in front of the tunnel, so passengers were reported by the Coming Manager throughout the Condition Manager -. Speaker of railway highway announces an elame that the traffic was closed there. Поездҳо аз Зелония ба Вилковия – аз ҷониби автобуси ҷойгузини ивазшаванда ва автобусҳои ивазкунандаи мусофирон ба истгоҳи Bielsko-biada główna giłówna główna główna główna główna główna główna główeba. Reverse is another way.
There is no damage in infrastructure
Barth. Wuk Wuk said that it is difficult to identify the problem but it will not be too long. – PKK savings should be reached. The wagon quickly stuck when he had arrived. Infrastructure there was not been deleted there – he’s about 21.30.
The tunnel founded in the 1870s, measures are roughly about 270 meters and within the city center. A number of rows of Silesia and Bielsko -ła–ła-to the south – to Yaving and further to Zeewotag on the Border with Slovakia.
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket