Zbigniew ZioBRO did not testify before the Pegasus Investigation Committee on Friday. Former Minister of Justice and PIS MP ZBigniew ZioBRO were detained on Friday’s morning by the Police of Warsaw at Republika TV. However, a former prosecutor, who was supported by the police, was taken to the SEJM Building at the Pegasus Investigation Committee, and a request for a 30 -day arrest of Witnesses was voted.
The morning event in Warsaw was the theme of the afternoon meeting of Rafau Turzakovsky and Carol Naurocky. -Have you ever seen these circus with Geoburo? -I asked his supporters at the Conference of Stargard Gudanisk, a candidate for the election.
Spicy about RafałTrzaskowskiziobbra: He hid the biggest fraud
-It doesn’t fit in your head. The Minister of Justice, who shows everything, hid the biggest fraud. (…) They don’t even be ashamed of it, they boast about it. Later, they had to rely on Belarus or Budapest -TRZASKOWSKI told the gathered people.
Warsaw’s President did not bite his tongue, indicated that ZIOBRO was “hidden in a television station”, fearing police detention and interrogation from the committee.
-Something incredibly something? I have never seen such a slack SOL how I live. (…) It’s a Nigger from the Polish state -added a politician of the Citizen Union. He pointed out, “The settlements are closed and we must move on.”
-That today, people care about someone to arrange the optimal conditions for Poland for our agriculture and economy. It cares about people. Imagine how to invite this clown ZIOBRO, what do you say? He would talk about the fact that he had bought a pistols -TRZASKOWSKI, mentioning his recent conversation between a geobra and a journalist.
2025 presidential election. Nawrocki about ZIOOBRA detention: We have games
Karol Nawrocki asked about events involving Zbigniew ZioBRO at a press conference. -The bread is more and more expensive, so we all have a game that we are embarrassed -Candidates are supported by law and justice. Masu.
The chairman of the National Memory Research Institute pointed out that the detention was held in Telewija Republica. “All of these photos are embarrassing for Polish democracy and our lives,” he explained.
Nawrocki has repeated the story of a PIS politician, which indicates the illegality of the Pegasus Investigation Committee. In September 2024, the Constitutional Court ruled and rated that the body range was inconsistent with the application method.
Presidential election 2025. List of candidates