The problem of rising butter prices has become so serious and alarming that the government has decided to intervene by releasing 1,000 tons of butter from the country's strategic stockpile onto the market.
Opposition parties have also accused the authorities of using methods straight from the People's Republic of Poland. “PiS was an expert when it came to artificially manipulating market prices,” said Jan Grabiec, head of the Prime Minister's Office.
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The government's intervention coincided with Super Express publishing the results of a survey commissioned by the Institute for Public Opinion Research. As you can see, 52% of Poles believe that Prime Minister Donald Tusk is to blame for the rise in butter prices. In turn, 20 percent of compatriots named NBP chairman Adam Glapinski, followed by PiS leader Jarosław Kaczynski with 14 percent.
Last week, PiS politicians held a meeting and claimed that under the current government, butter has become a “symbol of high prices”.
“Butter in the Vault” would be funny if it weren't so terrible. Unfortunately, it is a horrible symbol of this government. Prices are high, bills are high, people are being forced to take out high-interest loans, and he has only been in power for a year. Tusk is back, and with him also poverty,” the PiS chairman later wrote on the X website.
There is no hope for butter prices to fall. Translated by experts
However, economists remind us that butter prices are influenced by several overlapping factors. First, 2024 saw a decline in milk production in several important markets. Second, consumer purchasing power is increasing.
Does this mean we can't expect reductions? World market data shows that this is probably the case in the near future. The reason for this is especially the low dynamics of milk production. The only aspect that would change the unfavorable trend would be a slowdown in demand, but this would only slow the rise in prices, not the fall.
The survey was carried out by the Institute for Public Opinion Research between December 10 and 11 on a sample of 1,005 Polish adults.
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Błaszczak compared Tusk's government to the People's Republic of Poland in “Graffiti”: Every regime collapses at some point/Porsat News/Porsat News