The United States has rejected the offer for G7 to establish a task group to start with the solid shaded park, said the Bloomberg agencies. It’s about Russia’s tanks, which are breaking sanctions – delivery oil.
Canada, which exercises the walking in G7, belongs to the group to the foreign ministers to this group. In negotiations – a concern for the development of joint statements in issues related to the United States, to strengthen the position in Russia – said the agency.
USA to overcome the word “current
The United States protested not only to the provision of Canada on the establishment of the tasks of the tasks. The G7 statement that has reached the United States to apply to remove the word “sanctions” and the War War of the War “against Ukraine” against Ukraine.
Read well: “shadow park” bunny in the Baltics. What is it and what is it doing?
At the same time, the US pressures the directory of China on the basis for increasing the risk due to the risk of raising the risk.
Tanker “Shadow” is passing a carrier ship. Photos from August 20 2024, Carsten Snejbjerg / Bloomberg / Getty Faces
Grupa g7
The letter G7 are an official position when they are published by their consent. The talks that negotiations are from these moments can create significant changes in the same time – the agency to emphasize significant changes.
G7, гурӯҳе, ки давлатҳои демократӣ бо иқтисодиёти рушдкарда таҳия кардааст, ИМА, Ҷопон, Олмон, Британияи Кристи, Британияи Британия, Фаронса, Италия ва Канада, Британияи Британия, Фаронса, Италия ва Канада дохил карда шудаанд.
Sources of Key Photo: Carsten Snejbjerg / Bloomberg / Getty pictures