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80. rocznica wyzwolenia Auschwitz-Birkenau. Ostatnie dni funkcjonowania obozu i wspomnienia więźniów
27 stycznia przypada 80. rocznica wyzwolenia obozu koncentracyjnego Auschwitz-Birkenau. Czerwonoarmiści zastali w nim skrajnie wycieńczonych i pozostawionych więźniów. Reszta doświadczyła…
Elon Musk, billionaire and partner of Donald Trump, announced the conquest of Mars by humans. The first space flight will…
The elephant attacked the tourist and crushed him to death. A tragic accident occurred in the Kruger National Park in…
20th anniversary of the Contact Lens “. Day of birth and special publication of the program in the 6th theater
In Saturday, the first 20 years from broadcasting “Contact glasses” passed. Celebration of the 20th anniversary of this program was…
Warsaw. The nurses demand that the growing problem of violence be prevented. They write letters, point out the problems and demand changes
Attack in Siedlce. The paramedic diedSource: TVN24After the emergency intervention and the death of a paramedic in Siedlce, the trade…
One million zlotys from Warner Bros. Discovery at WOŚP. The check was presented to Kasia Kiela
The 33rd Grand Final of the Christmas Charity Orchestra is underway. – We raise for oncology, we raise for pediatric…
All interstate vehicles, expression and bridges have been opened – services in the Orleans in the United States reported in…
USD Donald Trump, President Vegas said in Las Vegas in Las Vegas in the Las Vegas in Las Vegas to…
The US Senate approved the Governance of South Cymy in the Secretary of Internal Secretary of Internal Affairs. The Sunday…
Today’s air. Sunday January 26, the country will bring an spring air. Although many clouds in heaven are coming, thermometers…