More than 7 million people have died as a result of Covid-19, and roughly 778 million people around the world have been infected, according to World Health Organization data. New discoveries from researchers from China have sparked debate about potential threats that could allow another virus.
Wuhan researcher arrangement. Another Virus in Bats
The start of the Covid-19 pandemic will reach Uhan city. Recently, scientists at the Chinese Virology Institute announced the discovery of a novel coronavirus isolated from bats. HKU5-COV-2 has the ability to infect cells using the ACE2 receptor. This means it could pose a threat to people.
Chinese Flickr scientists have discovered a new variant of the virus
According to Bloomberg, virus samples were taken from bats found in the provinces of Guangdong, Fujian, Zhijiang, Anhui and Guangzhou. The agency has reported that HKU5-COV-2 is closer to the MERS virus than SARS-COV-2.
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According to Cell Magazine, the virus can infect a variety of mammalian species. The media notes that the study was managed by Sheh Tsenli, known as “Batwoman,” a coronavirus specialist. Her activities attracted attention in relation to the hypothesis that SARS-COV-2 could leak from Wuhan’s laboratory.
COVID-19. Threate people?
Can the newly discovered coronavirus threaten public health? According to CNN, there are no cases of human infectious diseases, and experts believe the virus is not spreading as effectively as SARS-Cov-2. Furthermore, studies suggest that the antiviral agent used against Covid-19 is also effective in the case of HKU5-COV-2.
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Experts recommend caution, but at the same time, calm public opinion. Dr. Amir Rose of George Mason University, quoted by CNN, emphasizes that there is no reason to panic at the moment. Second, in an interview with Reuters, Dr. Michael Osterholm, of the University of Minnesota, defined the response to new findings as “exaggerated,” indicating that levels of population resistance to the coronavirus are much higher than in 2019.
As Bloomberg points out, the next step for a scientist will consist of determining how HKU5-COV-2 is common among animals that can transfer him to people. The agency reminds us that bats are a natural reservoir of the coronavirus and that the risk of a new pandemic still exists. This is affected by globalization, increased mobility of people, and intensive trade.
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