We know more and more about the weather to expect on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Previous forecasts of significant cooling arriving just before Christmas have been confirmed. Nights from December 24th to 25th can be very cold in places.
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Weather on Christmas Eve 2024: Snow only in the mountains and parts of Podkarpacie
It's very warm now, with highs of 14 degrees expected in the south on Thursday, but a lot will change soon. According to a report from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Pomerania and its northeast are expected to experience sleet and snow in the mountains in the coming days.
According to the latest forecast, temperatures on Christmas Eve will not exceed 4 degrees Celsius. However, it will not turn white in most parts of the country. It rains in the west. Residents of the southern Podkarpacie region have some chance of a short white Christmas, with light snow expected.
Weather for drivers: be careful when returning from midnight mass
Christmas night, December 24th and 25th, will be very cold in places. In Podhale it is -6 degrees Celsius and in the center it is around -2 degrees Celsius. At the seaside, the maximum temperature will be 4 degrees.
On the night of December 24th and 25th, temperatures could drop to -6 degrees in Podhale/wxcharts/
In the west, light rain or drizzle may make it a little more difficult for drivers to return from midnight mass, but roads should not become slippery. In this respect, the situation in the South may be slightly worse.
It will snow in some places in Podkarpacie. Particular care should be taken as some roads in Podhale can be dangerous due to localized frost.
As the weather gets warmer, Christmas will be upon us. Daytime temperatures are still near zero in Podhale on December 25, but thermometers in the center will read 3 degrees, with temperatures expected to reach up to 9 degrees in the north-west of the country. Most parts of the country will not see snow during the day. However, they may appear in the mountains.
Do Poles want to be free from work on Christmas Eve?/interia/INTERIA.PL