The Ministry of Internal Affairs work work on a crisis center in a crisis manual how to deal with danger at peace and war. Its published in the second half of the year will be delivered to the Ministry of Internal and Administrative.
On January 1, he entered the action of the population and civil defense. As part of the administrative and administration, the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Defense and the State Security Center work in the crisis for residents. It should develop important information from specialists.
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Crisis Guide – What is found in what
As Robert Cloneovsky, Deputy Director of the Protection and Crisis Management Reservoirs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the manuals that will be the most important information. We will learn from this, among others what shares can we learn what shares can be developed for crisis situation – to survive at home for three days without power. And how to ensure the security of the household currently. The instructions will be mentioned among others about natural disasters, but the principles and warnings, how to help fire fire at home, how to and household members or family members or family members or household members or household members or family members or household members or household members or family members.
Signals Respect of Oxova Zamemovich / Pap
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– It is ready for in April and as part of the civil protection program, in the second half of the year, its printed version is given to each household in March, its printed version is issued. – I think that in Poland will work together with several languages because it is a guide, because it is a guide for the residents of its residents and is not only for the residents of its residents.
When questioning and disseminating the guidance, he says she is not yet known, but it is likely to be tens of millions of Zlots zlots. This year, 5 billion and 0.15 percent will be allocated to the implementation of the act on the suitability and civil defense. Poland GDP from the National Defense Ministry of Defense Duties – said Robert Clanovski.
See also: Value of civil defense in practice. “We have to have a responsibility to be responsible”
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket