Sources of Transition (GIF) has been suspended a number of drugs called the Decside throughout the country. GIF is reported to reports from a ten-item of one’s oral order from the whole country to be notified in the bottom of Crystal Messain at the bottom of the bottle.
Prime of pharmaceutical pharmaceutrition throughout the country in the medicinal product of Dexapini, Chartum + Dectometoryi + Dery 115 mg, 1 glass of weapons: 30 glasses.
The owner of the polepercastal officials is based on the Starogard Gdański.
GIF decided to be in accordance with the immediate performance.
Cause of making a decision
Dexapini is used in a dry cough that can join the inflammation of the upper respiratory bowel. Syrup for children and adults are intended.
Corusual Corussion Programs have adopted programs from ten things in the joint thing to do ten diversions from all countries at the bottom of the Dexapini medicinal product (22012024).
“The above features are not described as a natural feature of the product,” As in the above applications, “GIF informed.
Review of the subject of liability shall be transferred to the capital, which was conducted due to the emergence of the drug serame, which were approved by pharmaceutical drugs. After the analysis of crystals, the subjects noted that the crystal substance pulled – sugar, which is the drug component.
“The poet is likely to create its operations and to prevent the quality of restinclall quality to confirm the necessary drug quality.
“However, at the same time, because of the nature of the inappropriate enthusiasm, I have no real threat by the Districtal Products of the Zerina.
In the consequence of the above gif, which received it as a detention of Dexapini medication product in the 02092024 series number 02092024.
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket