Last week, Wroclaw doctors confirmed their child’s illness, a throat and larynx infection thanks to the vaccination.
A six-year-old has returned from vacation in Zanzibar. There was no vaccination.
diphtheria. Passengers in contact with sick children make a decision
GIS determined that Biofouo was in Oman and Switzerland and traveled to Warsaw by three planes. Therefore, the passengers who stayed closest to the sick child are established.
In TVP information, about 500 people said it was a “preliminary investigation.” He emphasized that individual countries have detailed data and that GIS activities apply to Polish citizens.
GIS announced that Polish passengers on the aircraft to Warsaw have been “mapped”. He added that the prevention procedures for these people were “actually completed.”
Grzesiowski said people and people were established with the family surrounding the sick child. GIS said these people received preventive antibiotic therapy and were provided as such post-edge position vaccinations.
diphtheria. An investigation into the disease is underway. “There’s a 2-week margin.”
GIS added that the diploma of Diffteria will end at the end of March. “The diploma lasts two weeks, but classically the illness becomes hatch within five to ten days,” he said, emphasizing that recent cases can be communicated until March 13th.
– There is a 2-week margin. If there is no new case, the case can be considered. So we’re waiting until the end of March that the epidemic survey could end – he said.
diphtheria. A six-year-old was infected at a hospital in Wroclaw. Another suspected patient
Last week, doctors in Wroclaw confirmed diphtheria, a child who returned from a holiday in Zanzibar, Africa. It is known that a 6-year-old has not been vaccinated.
On Monday, the drug Bojena Głogowska notified that the condition of the minor patient was “severe but stable.” He is in the intensive care unit of a specialized hospital in the state Gromkowski of Wroclaw.
Professor Infectious Diseases Director Krzysztof Simon said that an adult patient suspected of Diphtheria has also been admitted to the hospital. He is a patient who has come into contact with a sick child.
– This patient has symptoms of angina pectoris. For now, we are in the diagnostic process – the professor said.
diphtheria. A disease that has been forgotten for years. How can I get infected?
Difhist, also known as Differ, Krup or Dławiec, is an acute and severe infection caused by a bacteria called Diphtheria Clubs. Infection occurs through droplets or direct contact with a sick person or carrier. You will be less likely to come into contact with infected animals, such as cats, dogs, and horses.
Symptoms initially appear in the bacterial colonization, namely the throat, the larynx, larynx, and the conjunctiva and mucosal membranes of the genitals, where the larynx, larynx, and nose are less frequent.
In Poland, the difan vaccination is required. According to the vaccination calendar, each child should be vaccinated with four vaccines in the early months of their life (second to 18th basic vaccination) and at the 6-year-old dose.
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