Vaccination is especially important for the HPV especially for children aged 9 to 14. Both girls and boys. Vaccination is free and voluntary in schools. It only requires the consent of parents. The more we vaccin the child, the more chance she doesn’t get in the future.
They are inspections and effective – we talk about vaccination against HPV, which have been implemented in schools.
– The first three months of the program took part in the first three months of the program, and (…) more than 60,000 children – says Mainna wyrzykowsko from the Sanunder building. – You can discuss certainly whether it’s a lot or not enough. Remember that this is a very short period. And you have to be nice, although the responses were with fear, no matter how it is successful – he adds dr hab. n. Medium .gnisszka Mastalerz-Migas, National Advisor for Family medicine.
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The program is used in some primary schools № 3 in Biiantsstok. – There are repeatedly there are no homeless family at the same time. Each family is and this is the moment we help the low – Juna DEC, the referendum of primary № 3 in Bialeystost.
Vaccination is free and optional. The child’s parents should not agree. Enough for him to fill the statement. – The program envisages all children after the age of 9 and up to the age of 14 – reports to Dr.. n. Mahd .gnisszka Mastalerz-Migas.
But soon we vaccinates the child – better. – We are displayed before you start sexual and all before contacting the virus, because we cannot only be shown not only by sexual contact, wirzykowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowska mod.
GZESIIHIoverKI: Vaccination can protect a deadly disease of TVN24
Vaccination will be dedicated to girls and boys
Important, immunization is devoted to both girls and boys. – It’s a fairy tongue unfortunately that often moves to boys only virus. Not absolutely not. They are also threatened with diseases. Boy vaccination gives them safety – says Virzigovska.
According to the Current Program to integrate infectious diseases, 54% of Vaccist students and 46% – boys 46% – boys. The most vaccines were held in group 11 and 12-year-old group. The purpose of the Ministry of Health is the vaccine 60 percent of teenagers in late 2028. However, this requires appropriate requirements.
– Development of school medical offices so you use vaccinations there. Institutions with employees of primary health care institutions to cover someone and vaccinations, catching deadlines. Documentation is also very important – shows dr hab. n. Mahd .gnisszka Mastalerz-Migas.
In addition to organizational issues, it is very important to teach immunization. – Teachers need to report children in the training and in educational meetings and receives the correct theme – says the other theme of primary school. 3 in BiIalstok.
A decision that may affect the future of the child. – immunization against the HPV is an important prevention – national consultants for family medicine.
HPV virus can lead to neck cancer and heads. “We have to do everything to all” Markkykykyki / Fakty Thanen
“Deep statistics”
The most common device due to human papillomers is the hallway of the narrow. It diagnosed every annual diagnosed in three thousand policies. More than half of them die.
– More than 2,000 people per year in Poland (Poland). n. Average – is this worrying statistina, and vaccine allows us to fully believe that Marchinga Virookovea.
HPV is not just causing the appearance of neck cancer, but also vulvar, vagina, anal and penis. Popeomava can also be responsible for the person’s person. “We say that this is the tunnel, grown, the growth of new situations and circles only to the HPV virus – says the profess. Wojciech Golusiński from the center of the Polish room.
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We can refrain from these situations. You need to display other countries in the vaccine. For example, even Australia says that over a few years, it is free from HPV, not even from HPV, but from HPVZYKowkowkowkowkowska.
– There is also a positive effect of the vaccination of both the immunization and on burning. That is, women who have been vaccinated against human papers have about 90 per cent of developing the narrator of developmental and adding. Andrey Hakakovs from the National Institiatology.
Being better and sex does not exclude the opportunity to vaccinate against the HPV. Adults will buy drug preparation with 50% of compensation.
Main Source Source: Topn24