PiS is probably trying to make Shimon Holounia quarrel with Rafal Trzaszkovski. On Monday, former minister and member of parliament Waldemar Buda added to the recording that Holovnia said that Trzaszkowski was not suitable for the presidency of Poland. This recording is from 2020, from the previous campaign. Has anything changed since then? – Michal Wroblewski, host of “Tłit” program, asked his guest, Jan Szyszko, Deputy Minister of Finance and Regional Policy from Poland 2050. . – In my opinion, if someone is running for the presidency of Poland, it is difficult to expect statements praising the qualities of the rival candidates. If we have such a diagnosis that both Poland 2050 and Szymon Holownia agree that dualism and polarization are not things that serve Poland, then it is natural that a president who represents one side of this dualism cannot , to reduce polarization. society,” explained the deputy minister. – Does this mean that Trzaskovsky is not fit to be the president? – asked the host of the program. – These are harsh words that were said almost five years ago. I don't remember exactly what the content of this statement was, but it would be very strange if someone said in the election that Rafal Trzaskovsky is better than himself. I'm not at all surprised or angry about it. This is a statement from the campaign. We saw very harsh statements even in the primary elections in the Civil Alliance, where we had two candidates from one party, – replied the Polish 2050 politician – This is a strong statement, but if someone is an independent candidate, he has the right to such harsh assessments. – added Deputy Minister Jan Shishko.