The network was circulating through intrusive photos of Donald Trump’s hands. They can clearly see that the rights of the leader’s hands are almost entirely purple from great bruises. When asked about the issue, the White House press appears to underestimate the issue and explain it in a strange way. – The president works constantly and squeezes his hands all day long – they explain.
During Monday’s visit to Washington’s President Emmanuel Macron, a major bruise was noticed on Donald Trump’s left hand.
When asked later about this disturbing sign, White House spokesman Caroline Leavitt disregarded the fears of journalists and replied that Trump was a “man of people.”
– His commitment is unwavering and proves it every day. He works constantly and squeezes his hands all day, so he has a bruise in his hands – she commented.
Bruises in Donald Trump’s hand. “The president is the man of people.”
As NBC news points out, Trump had visible bruises or redness. This time, at least twice in August and November last year, with his right hand.
See: Vladimir Putin with US proposal. “That’s a good idea.”
In 2024, various websites recorded the phenomenon of raising signs, but in December Trump himself told a magazine that he told “Time” “The result of “hugging thousands of people” It was.
Next, in a December interview with “Meet the Press” NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” Trump said he would release his full medical report, but he has not done so until today. Joe Biden was the oldest incumbent president, while Trump is the oldest sworn in.
Macron’s “nasty” visit to the White House. Media Score Slip – Up
Among the subsequent photos and the leaks of White House translations, it is worth mentioning the last incident during the aforementioned visit to the French leader Macron.
He did not hesitate to improve Trump’s lies and when he explained that Europe had not provided Ukrainian loans, but simply helped her, he eloquently wanted to appease him. I put my hands down.
“Washington has eased demands.” Ukraine gives green light to key contracts with the US
The American media also focused on another gesture: “reminding the turtle’s embarrassing nails, lasting for six seconds, covering the mutual pull with the shoulders – a clear struggle for strength.
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