Karol has reported voters for a long period of time that submitted President of the President in SNM. And now wondering that Senjm did not accept “his proposal”. What is the truth?
The meeting with voters, the candidate of the law speaks of the President, often talks about electricity or high prices in stores – Donald’s government. He says that if he was elected President, energy bill will reduce 33%. He repeats a message that he was “submitted by the project” that has led to decline in prices. And March 21, at meeting ICAWA supporters, said: “I want to talk about security because I offer more than up to eight percent and food for food.”
Answer replied that he did not understand this and in the campaign, this is 230 people. “Pols say that it is expensive, they are more expensive, they do not pay for electricity. And the government does not apply for electricity, it should not be legally!” He argued.
The short recording went to the network with these words. Many Internet users had been an opportunity for evil. “I don’t understand why Lake Molik has not received my laws ”” and where? “As? “What did he say? What did he do his actions? And who had these laws? She is likely to be read as a doctor? Or don’t understand, I don’t know … “;” My laws are also Olala, it’s pond
Candidates without legislative initiative
Some even asked whether the record was original.
Is. In Iłhawa, Karad replied the word in words that he said at the early March while at the program. That is, as a presidential office of the President’s Office, it proposed the draft laws that has led to a zero percentage of the value-added tax for electricity and gas. ” Then he talked about the “complex accounts” and in Iłhawa. However, the IS candidate misleading people’s view that we have ratified in the Concret24. Internet users who expressed expressing her in Iłhawa “, it did this for a reason.
First of all: Karol Topper, early March about the projects submitted to the consumed candidate as a presidential candidate, as a presidential candidate, as a presidential candidate was already registered at this time.
Second: Even after he has been signed in the National Election Commission, 21 March 21, he could not submit loans to the CPM. Well, presidential candidates have no legislative initiative in Poland. Fanry bill may be submitted by the President, the Government, Senate, a group of deputies of deputies or group of 100,000 citizens. Thus, no “offers have no need to think about Karol in Sejm.
Karol Navocial is still repeatedly repeated that he is offering the “Bill offers” – no
The PIS spoke for the first talking about the “draft law”, and then it is surprised that they didn’t accept them. He probably has three bills that he proposed at the meeting of 8 January 8, 2025. They expressed concern over the zero level to food and reducing energy tax. At that time, it has been submitted that these projects have been submitted to parliamentary clubs – and further projects with other projects of IDs. “We believe that these initiatives offered by the initiatives that have been submitted with PIS, so we are offering the three sheets” – explained Mariusz Błister marietgczak.
On March 6, January the current year refused to rejected. “235 The Wind-Verified to vote for” vowed for refusal to be rejected.
Only we will remind you of: it is about the projects of the PIS CLUB. Karad presents his / civil “candidate to the” citizenship “candidate and does not belong to this part.
Source of Key Photo: Thomaszhiards / Pap