Prime Minister Orb. The only was the only signed on Thursday of the European Union leader, where members of society, was not expressed “Support of Ukraine” was not stated. “At that time, the position of Orban was already known, the President Andren with his wife went to the Hungarian, and the Mop of Education, the Deputy Minister of Education, the Deputy Minister of Education, the Deputy Minister of Education. Kataraa Karkish from the Cognitive Coalition. – Friends are people who are willing to meet, and it should be willing to meet with Ukraine, and it should be willing to meet with Ukraine, and it should be willing to meet with Ukraine, and the issues related to the help of the European Union (…). This is a serious problem in the European Association, because the Poland is to meet the help of Ukraine and even the EU -FULTH ADBERS IMPORTANT ISSUE – A serious amount of European Union – Coalite politician – I am confident that this is a moment that we must clearly add to the policy of all the European European EU. – In this way, you think this session should not be to Andris Down and Victor Orban? – the nutrition of the self-given information. – I do not engage in foreign matters, but we remember the visit of Andright visitor in China. At that time, it was established, as the government’s International Polish Policy is held by the government and it is very clearly imported in the Constitution. Don’t know, for example, the Minister of Foreign Affairs with Andrins. For example, if the bird for this meeting with Trump with Trump, I thought it was very good that it was very good for the security of Poland security. I don’t know that this meeting has in Budapest. Ман боварӣ дорам, ки Орбан як сиёсатмадор аст, ки на танҳо на танҳо ба Иттиҳоди Аврупо, балки дар муддати тӯлонӣ, инчунин зарар расонида шудааст – гуфт Katarzya katarzya katarzya katarzya katarzya katarzya katarzyaa.