After Eron Musk spoke in a right -wing populist to replace Germany (AFD), Arashi broke out in Poland. It is not just a millionaire in the United States to cut off Germans from “past wine.” The mere fact of supporting the Donald Trump administration man for a specific party outside the United States may evoke a controversy. But even in Poland, it can be recognized as an opportunity.
-This (Elon Musk -ed’s speech) is useful, but as Swamil Menzen says, we don’t encourage anyone in Poland -Purzemi Swawy Player, New Hope’s Purzemi Swallow Player states.
Krzysztof Bosak spoke in a similar tone: -The coalition is a natural target for such a businessman with political temperament like Elon Musk. But to be honest, this is not a political style of drinking businessmen, but even the most wealthy people in the world, Porsat, a ethnicist who is broadcasting “guests of the event.”
As SEJM Deputy Sen S stated, it is a more broad issue on building contact with American rights. However, the President of the National Movement pointed out that his formation was not afraid of a good relationship with Hungary Fides.
-When Prime Minister Hungarian Victor Orban built these contacts, part of the national movement, part of my alliance, is a patriot of a politician of European politicians. I was with the Kurzist fluffy. However, in the relationship with Americans, the Southern Army has not been blamed only by Hungary. After all, Swamir Menzen’s new hope, MEPS, creates Ion directly from the European Assembly AFD.
Ewazajączkowska-Hernik: It’s very wonderful from AFD
When Staniswaf Tizka and Ewa Zazi Zazzkovska Harnik joined the sovereign state Europe, it caused the waves of comments. For the slogan, so far. AFD politicians in Germany presented to Poland. example?
In 2021, he praised the Ribbentrop-Mowotow agreement in Bundestag, Alexander Goland, one of the leaders of AFD, and accused Poland for the outbreak of World War II. Next, Alice Wydel, an important person of the party, suggested that the Eastern Germans were lying in the federal, and called the former GDR “Central Germany.” Björnhöcke, who was recognized as one of the most influential AFD politicians, shouted the slogan of the Nazi Star Mabutirun and was convicted. Adding a slogan about cooperation with Russia is not surprising.
But in fact, just before the Germany election, AFD is doing well in a poll. According to Yougov from January 22, she has been supported by up to 19 %. You have the right to vote. -Nobody expected him to cooperate with the groups that Germany gained in a German memo -Interior Siwa Zazi Zzzzkovka Hernik explains. -There may be situations where our western neighbors cannot create a new government without AFD. Our cooperation in the European Parliament is a very good thing just for this.
Asking about Germany -related controversy, the Euro Congress in New Hope emphasizes that AFDs are mainly political goals. That is to leave the green order or withdraw the immigration agreement. He argues that the revision of the Polish and German borders certainly has no doubt.
-After discussions with AFD politicians, we know that no one wants to fix the Polish Deids border. This is a misunderstanding caused by our neighbor’s specific naming law. When they told them how similar proposals were taken in Poland, they grabbed their head -guarantee the interior Zazi Charkovka Hernik. -Topics are closed. TOMASZ FROELICH (Mep Afd of Polish Origin -ed) completely explains in the Polish media that he is talking about operations due to the misunderstanding of the German naming law.
In our opinions, AFD politicians are even sharing their experiences with the Polish team. -The Germany has seriously warned of the migration policy. This is an interesting approach from their perspective. Because if they were not praised in Paul, they would demand they would give us -zajczkowska -hernik. -On, on the other hand, they show what is happening in their country and warn you not to have the same situation as us. This is very wonderful on their side -Mep tells us.
The Union does not require support. In the background, Elon Musk and AFD
The new hope and AFD continue to have a good relationship with the European Assembly connection, but there is no doubt that all groups that create a coalition in Polish SEJM will expand their cooperation. Unless it’s because of a bigger interest.
-In the cooperation and controversy with the AFD, it begins to blur because the dust fell. We certainly don’t want to work hard to support them or support them. It simply looks bad, and we have more and more members. When this helps to deal with the Polish issues, we will cooperate on the Brusselsline -one of the members of the Union explains to us.
Our dialogue believes that it is not the best idea to seek contact with the United States billionaire or wider -foreign politicians. In a nutshell, they don’t want anything. Regardless of whether it is a national movement or a new hope.
But we ask Zajączkowska-Hernik or lobby conversations that they did not try to contact Americans, one of the closest friends of Donald Trump.
-The various topics are explained in private conversations. When we talk to AFD politicians, we should refer to the United States. However, it was not possible to reach Elon Musk using this channel. If he determines that the Alliance is worth cooperating in Poland, we can sit on the negotiating table -Mep says.
ZAJączkowska-Hernik explains why the Union doesn’t want anything. He gives the formation of Jarosławkazyński for example. -I see what PI does. Strongly seeking the support of the United States reduces the role of the nation in international policy. It takes them to his knees. It is difficult to happen later when negotiations occur later.
In our opinions, the political sympathy of Americans could affect the Alliance in the European Union. The sovereign state of parliamentarians related to Europe believes that Eron Musk’s support for AFD may contribute to the establishment of cooperation with European patriotism. This is a connected Ion, Victor Orban or Italian Prime Minister Giorge Meloni’s politician.
“Graffiti” about encounters between Doda and Trump: No Polsat News/Porsat News