“Indicators have leaked to wear the star star in Ukraine on weekly” day, “the situation and the Secretary of Rubia. Everything around the situation in Ukraine, access to Starlinks and Poland instead.
Фаъолияти тези ҳукмҳо бо постгоҳи якшанбеи якшанбеи Элон мусиқӣ оғоз ёфт, ки дар платформаи x навишта шудааст: “Системаи Starlink ман сутунмӯҳра аз артиши Украина аст. Тамоми хати пеши онҳо, агар ман онро хомӯш кунам.” He also added that among others, compared to Ukraine, which is needed to be lost to Ukraine. “
Polish District Department of Distributary Iptle is to log in, write about “the threat of” threats “” Starlinki for Ukraine by the Ministry of the Number. “Payment. ”
In its turn, the US Secretary of State Micah Mico responded to this record. “Just get” the man to be a young man. You pay a small part of the cost. And then there is no place to change a place, “Moses returned to Sikorski. In discussion more records were also found.
Read more: Moses, vibio, sikorski. Favoring the sentences around the sentences around Poland, Ukraine and Starlinks
“The argument breaks between US and Poland
The exchange of judgment was recorded among the German media.
The area of the ZDF stations writes that “the dispute between USA and Poland started on satellite services for Ukraine.” He explains this on the X Sunday Platform, which belongs between the Corporate Empire type to Starlink and Sikorski. “The US Secretary of State Marko Marco Marco and the Prime Minister of Minister and Polandia will interfere,” the porta wrote.
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In the stuntal portal we read: “This will be a disaster of Ukrainian forces:
Elon Muschpap / EPA / Jim Loszo
“Mush’s attacks to the Minister of Foreign Affairs” – the title of article in everyday sounds “Tax”. “Shares on the closing Startlink stars in the territory of Ukraine, which are excluded from, criticized the Court of Trurabio, and the Secretary of the Government of Lubs,” wrote “in the text.”
The portal to Arhar, noted that “Musk promises to Ukraine, shortages to use the use of the sentences of the methods of using the use of the methods.
The Portgunter Zitgunter Portal noted that the politicians of the Opposition party responded in the Starlink case “
Main photos: PAP / ePA / Jim Loszo