British firefighters are still fighting the fire at the electric station in London Hayes, but most of the fires are already in control. An investigation into this issue is underway. As a result of the current obstacle, Heathrow Airport has been closed, but as a spokesman for Polish Airport has assured, this will not have a major impact on Warsaw’s Chopin Airport.
A fire at the electrical substation in Hayes, west London, broke out Thursday evening, robbing thousands of residents of power. Heathrow airport was also disconnected from power.
– Our firefighters worked in extremely difficult and dangerous conditions to limit this fire. We are still working to end our reaction to this event – the Fire Brigade representative said.
Fire in London. Firefighters are still fighting the fire, investigations have begun
He summarises that 6,700 homes remained without electricity. – Hetro’s second and fourth terminals had no electricity, but as a result, the airport was closed and planes were redirected – he said.
– Firefighters evacuated 29 people from nearby homes. They went to a safe place – he added. Rescue operations are further coordinated. It also takes actions to restore access to electricity.
See: Heathrow Airport Paralysis. Experts talk even with a delay of about a week
As he notified on the spot, investigators are working with other experts to investigate the cause of the fire. “We urge people to stay away from the area,” he emphasized.
So far, there has been no problem with air quality. -10% more fires have not been mastered and the service is still working there. No one was injured — the firefighter said.
Heathrow airport is closed. What does this mean for Polish passengers?
Polish airport spokeswoman Anna Delmont appeared on the floor when the airport was closed in Heathrow.
– The situation at Heathrow airport will not have a major impact on Chopin Airport. Of course, there is no difficulty for passengers who were to fly to Hetrow Airport or Warsaw.
See: A fire broke out on an airplane. Passengers began to extinguish the fire
As she supplemented, directions for such trips are planned for 12 today, nine of which have been cancelled at this time – these are flights organized by Polish airlines and British Airways – she said.
-We are waiting for information on what on subsequent flights, but here the decision was ultimately made by the carrier – she emphasized and encouraged passengers to observe the message on the carrier’s page. Details are provided regularly.
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