On Friday, the Chief Health Inspectorate issued a statement on the increasing detection of poliovirus in urban sewage in Europe.
“In recent months, detection of cVDPV2 was confirmed in municipal sewage in Warsaw. In December 2024, the detection of variant poliovirus type 2 was confirmed again in samples of municipal sewage in Rzeszow,” we read. is.
Poliovirus in Poland. Vaccinations and disease risks
According to GIS, the risk of an outbreak among the Polish population is low due to high levels of vaccination against polio. However, people who have “no post-vaccination immunity” are at risk.
In these situations, the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology recommends that adults who have not received or are not fully vaccinated against polio receive a booster vaccination against polio.
“A complete vaccination course for unvaccinated adults includes three doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).Adults who have received polio vaccination but are at increased risk should receive 10 You can receive one IPV booster shot each year,” the release states.
In Poland, all children have been vaccinated against polio since the mid-1950s, according to an immunization calendar. Therefore, most adults living in Poland are considered protected from polio.
Warsaw and Rzeszów. “Continuous surveillance” related to poliovirus detection
“In Poland, the last case of Heine-Medina disease caused by wild poliovirus occurred 40 years ago,” it says.
Nevertheless, the GIS advises that surveillance for cases of flaccid paralysis and testing of municipal sewage for the presence of this virus continues.
Poliovirus in sewage in Poland. Disputing GIS
The Chief Medical Inspectorate said: “We are constantly monitoring the situation and are in contact with the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.”
GIS said: “We are encouraging medical staff and parents and guardians of children who have not yet received polio vaccination or have not completed the full course of polio vaccination to complete missing vaccinations. I'm calling,” he said.
Vaccination is free for everyone up to the age of 19 and is administered using an effective and safe inactivated vaccine (IPV).
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