A boy scraptered a hospital to the hospital
Source: Pttshgan 244.pl
The eleventh cellar was riding on the car that was on the Rapssecka Street in Gorzyce (śląskie viivodytip). The police say the accident occurred by the fault of the Son. The child was transferred through the helicopter.
Information about the accident was included in the media at the police in the police in Wodzisław śląski. Login reading that the accident has occurred on the street of Rosapborsko. In the eleventh – riding a bike in the bike – bicycles and in the case he drives in front of the car. One resident of Povidenceary Povearing Ford Traveled Povenant to avoid clashes.
Accident occurred in gorzyce
Source: Police in the Vassy of Shadis śląski
“Son became the hospital, which was taken to the hospital in the bedow, which was taken to the hospital in the katowic. The police say police were” said police officers.
Apply for caution
The exact cases of the incident are still being discussed. Police officers worked on the roads, investigation groups and the road experts at the scene.
Read as well: a cycling did not go to advantage and entered the car. 55 is dead
“We will be careful,” the police graduated.
The Hit’s son was in the hospital
Source: Police Police Verification
Autorkka / Autor: BZ / Adso
Source: Pttshgan 244.pl
Source of Key Photo: Police of Uluksky
Reference to the communication cell.