A marble sculpture of a woman was discovered inside a garbage bag near Thessaloniki, Greece. The case was taken up by the police and sent to an archaeological survey. Experts have determined that this statuette may be more than 2000 years old.
According to the Greek portal site ekathimerini.com, the discoverer of the precious sculpture was a 33-year-old man from the town of Nei Epiwates, near Thessaloniki.
The female figure was 80 cm tall and had no neck. It was in a black trash bag next to the trash can.
The man called the police, who asked archaeologists to help assess the object’s value. The artifact was examined by experts from the Antiquities Authority of Thessaloniki and its authenticity was confirmed.
The researchers also shared other surprising findings. This work turned out to be from the Hellenistic period. The Hellenistic period was the period from around 320 to 30 BC, when art and culture flourished after the conquests of Alexander the Great.
Reference: United States. The collector destroyed the art. This sculpture was worth 42,000 zlotys. dollar
The statue was sent for further research and preservation under the supervision of the local Antiquities Department. Police have launched an investigation to identify the culprit who threw the statue in the trash.
Greek historical discoveries. you may come across it by chance
Accidental archaeological discoveries are a relatively common phenomenon in Greece, which is not surprising in a country famous for its rich ancient heritage.
Such finds are often discovered during construction work or the implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects.
In December, workers installing a gas pipeline near Athens discovered a Roman statue of Hermes. The statue was buried vertically in a brick well near the Acropolis.
See also: Archaeologists were shocked. Great discovery in Pompeii
And in Thessaloniki, a true treasure trove of antiques was revealed during the construction of the metro system over several decades. The project, which officially ended in November, revealed unusual finds, including a Roman boulevard covered in marble.
The treasures discovered included tens of thousands of artifacts from various historical periods, from Greece to Byzantium to the Ottoman Empire.
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