Poland Internet users are vigilant that the European Union wants to ban the use of plastic cards. The principal is an article from one of the websites that has not found the truth.
We show that it is correct and lie
We confirm false messages, check the data, analyze the data from the network
Internet users have occurred by an article, which is published on March 20, 2025 in Poland overseer. He had the right: “Peace on the EU digit of the European Union,” the author of the article “is replaced by” the author of the article “and” Changing the Country Document “and” Changing the traditional identification system “and” Changing the traditional identification system “and” Changing the traditional identification system “and” Replacement of the “Final Action Section” without the “specific new period” and “Changing Portfolio” and “Changing the Calcular Portfolio” and “Changing the traditional identity of the identity” and “Changing the electoral document” and “Changing the Eari’s Document.” The Polish Project itself wrote about it that “the daily days will write from Germany.”
Many Internet users who come in the article found that the EU changes are generally banning a deep plastic card. “Moron Hitlerism”; “Censorship and complete control of the people”; “Eurocomunist. Tatural Tatalacy; “Hybrid of Bolshids and Nazi in one”; “Bet of money! To the bureaucrats” “ID data for basket ……..” “Every citizen of the EU country will have numbers to the left-left number. It’s all dangerous”; “And then they can complete you completely when you don’t improve the policy”; “The five of these ladies in the camps were mostly loved in camps in camps”
Recording sring
However, there are no questions from personal cards. Which member states are about working for the work of the European World Digital identity (EUII). One of the elements of this initiative is the EU digital identity. We explain what it means, and why the Internet users are unreasonable for the full standard of standard.
The EU wants to introduce to
The European Parliament explains EUUII, which is the joint recognition of the electronic system of the IAI. ” Poland has such a system. We talk about the specific e-specific system (PSS), where the notification has completed them in 2022. The dog provides tools such as a reliable profile and personal profile. Puts can use them to confirm their online identity, resolve administrative issues or e-mail.
In 2014, the regulation of electronic media, the original services and trust services established by the European Union countries (in Poland is a dog). On 2021 of the European Commission submitted to some changes in this provision. According to them, “By 2030, at least 80% of people can use a digital identity to use access to the EU-based public service.” The proposed regulations of the European Parliament, which was adopted in 2024, in their interest, 190 votes were voted and 31 votes. Thus, the Iood frame took place in May 2024.
One of the delegated children of the implementation of the European Digital Field, IM Is a service service that the residents of Member States may use. Beneficial enterprises operate, they can be implemented such walls for mobile devices – to mark the SIM card, register the SIM card and allow the payment. In addition, you can maintain and provide other people with digital documents. According to the European Commission, they include both documents as a driving license, but the railway territory and even a sports passage.
Point also to work outside the country of home – in other Member States. “Thanks to the digital portfolio of the personality, citizens confirm their identity at all EU, if necessary, or confirm the digital documentation or other personal information.
This solution is to answer the renewal of data security threats on the Internet. “Every time requires a program or website to create a new digital personality, and every citizen will use everywhere in Europe everywhere will be used everywhere in Europe.
Member States to 2026
The service will not be equal to all members. Because “Digal portfolio of the European Union” does not exist “, each member of the European Union will not be a copy of the European Portfolio, made as a general details of the European Union.” This means that such a portfolio is recognized in other countries and the man can easily can with the European Union. Digital documents are accepted everywhere in Europe.
Before the specific portfolio of the EU identity in all EU countries has been tested in four large pilot projects. 350 private enterprises and government agencies participate in 26 countries and Norland and Ireland. One of the projects is capabilities (pilots for European wallet), in which Poland.
Poland has such a wallet
According to the information, the number of the digital divisions of the internal systems will be based on some member states. ” And such a country is for example, for example. The digital portfolio concept is known to the columns to the columns to which the MobCit program that is managed by the Ministry of Migration is known. The program was established by a national computer network (NASK) and to use it trust profile. Made of statistics from 2017. One of the mobile functions to keep digital documents – including electronic evidence. However, MDOWDODO is not a digital copy of the identity card, as it differs from the series and units, the free date and accuracy. When necessary, you can use MDOWDOD in any case when a personality card is needed, with three exceptions: – When submitting a new card for a new card; – when crossing the border of the country’s border; – when preventing funds for money laundering, including banks, taking into account the law, including banks, is possible) “from 1 September 1 this year)”.
In addition to MDOWD, you can have digital versions, including great family, school and student logs or driver’s license.
Citizens may, but not forced to set apps
Like in 2017, mobile did not work for the use of traditional documents, so the widespread calculation of the European Portfolio on the period of plastic cards of the plastic code of the plastic code of the plastic code of the plastic code. Internet users are unfounded because the EU offer is alternative. Because the use of these government decisions are voluntary. Your identity may still be approved through physical document. Already in the Regulations of 2024, which introduced Europe’s framework, we and the target of a digital personality that are monitoring the information at all the Union and the user’s ability to control our information throughout the Union and the user’s ability to control their information throughout the Union and the user’s ability to control their information at all the Union and the user’s ability to control their information at all the Union and the user’s ability to control their information throughout the Union and the user is able to control the information at all the Union and the user of the editor’s own information.
Summary: The digital portfolio of the DiICTialio digital identity is only only only from digital digital documents. However, there is no plans to retrieve personal cards or any restrictions.
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket