The road end of the roadside edge of the road in 200 years is standing in Trialeri in Stiffsia. This time passage was already visible to it. Apparently, not everyone loved it because was an amateurer, which has updated his arms and Lakeel. Now the protection board is evaluating whether this is just damaged or even the destruction of the statue.
A amateur plant tried to enjoy the church in the Streetzionka from the eyes of around the surroundings. – This object entered in the record of notes and so, with this strong form of protection – says Miroslav’s rams from regional management in Katowice.
Now the protection board is evaluating whether this is just damaged or even the destruction of the statue. Unfortunately, unfortunately, the right paragraph. “We don’t think that the person who created this obviously has not supposed to destroy the stability.
– We make the decoration, it will look beautiful, it seems. However, I think it does not really make mistakes that it is really an object when it is real care – explanation drab. Monica Bernanovs, Conservatrator of monument.
Near Toruń, a 55-meter monuments are set to the mother of God
May it be a warning for ambitious conservatives
Thousands of such guys are – such as stelszioniona – there are some elderly and historical throughout Poland, some elderly and historic. They don’t have a max: “Do it yourself.” – It is part of our cultural identity that needs to be protected. Ташаккур барои нашри ин масъала, на аз он сабаб, ки мо садо медиҳем, аммо шояд он ба одамоне бирасад, ки рангҳои равғанро харидаанд ва ба ҷое мераванд – таъкид мекунад – таъкид мекунад DR HAB. Monica Bogdanovs.
Also read: and only patients. The meeting is still waiting for the government movement
Image in the church at the leander in the orchoter. The color of the 17th may be the 18th century. However, the effects of a profitable work of a conservatory work questioned that the Committee of Experts are considered.
– What is the picture hangs on the walls of the church. Therefore, you can always come back to or repair what was done – says Dr. Dhariss Copchovka, conservate monument of the provincial province.
Main photos: Fakty Thann