Prosecutor’s Office Prosecutor’s Office to use the pencil of the Peashi Pizmy Pizziya Pizziya Pizziya Pizziya Pizziya Pizziya Pizziya Pizziya Pizziya Pizziya Paid Pass. The Mikes Johnic, as the Pressure regulated it to place the box in łatsa Góa, where the location of the obligation is related to commitment. According to a higher audit and the new power, he did it illegally. The investigation is carried out at the excess corner.
In 2021, then the MateUSz Matiziecti is signed in the Monday National Militoctreshky National Prime Minister. The government cut the Annama inside – łysa Gós, as well as Kliśc or the Holy Cross, where the commands of the authority is placed. The Superstery Management has decided to illegally.
At that time the opposition was similar. Then the left officials will notify the crime after the proposal of the crime, but no one heard the charges. Now the investigators will now be considered to the decision of the SCIS government, because in this case the investigation of the district prosecutor’s office has launched in Warsaw.
Read more: National Park resumes land by the PIS Government for the order. But the borders do not expand
Is obligated from the flight-pmmod flight of TVN24
Investigation to change the border
The investigation includes two threads. The first statement of the Council of Ministers, which is set up to 10 December 2021, which has been excluded by the park border at the holy mountain with a total area of 1.34 ha. The decision to violate the protection of nature and acts the damage to the public interest.
The second list to block the agreement in 2023 for the use for the use of Mary liabilities of Mary liabilities that will be introduced to use a religious Mamus. Annual payment worth 73.2 thousand. Net Net can be less than the actual value of the property that also violate its rules. Earlier, the prosecutor’s office of the Kids-WSchiks district prosecutor’s office looked at the same contract. It was known whether you were more likely to be eligible to act in the compensation of the population.
Also read: Notification Notification
– the evidence shows that the formalies have been completed in the question of the question in the question. WE DID Not Find The Features of A Criminal Act-Said in November-Wyboxa “EDOSKA District Pawlik-Zatońska.
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Padiba said the Warsaw’s words in the Warsaw Prosecutor’s Office informed, the trial will be discussed on this situation. Due to the good, investigators do not offer detailed information.
The case day on Portal X mp Roman Roman Romance in the Cover Cap Prosecutor of the Cap, which is in the field of the National Armen Military Parcel) I’m in The election campaign has promised the promised śВиętokrzysis and “politicians.
However, the religious contract, but after the Staroste, but after the Staroste – also from Ps – Mirosav Gjjak, signed.
– I’m quietly waiting for the prosecutor’s office. I don’t get something to complain. According to the law in accordance with the law, he said a member of the portotot board, in 2023, Kielce Shoposte Mirsadała Gębski.
At the same time, the Ministry of Climate in climate regulation continues to be łyya Góa Góa inside the National Park of Runitivresis. Local governments have already agreed, but resisting the ministry plans 340 hectares of valuable park to expand the garden. The Viivodiys świętokrzrzyyskie viivodiysie świętysie świętokrzrzrzrzryysie still stopped at the next three sorted articles in śPN.
Obligations on Saine Krzyżtockock
Argue about the plots in crossing the rates
By 1819, IE belonged to the absence of Inside, the entire set of buildings in the field of poverty belong to the Holy Spirit. Missioners from 1936, including the buildings, including the buildings, and at the same time, they also tried “at the same time,” that the Western Garden, which manages the western museum of the świętokrzrzrzrzrzrzrzrzrzySki museum.
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February 2, 2022, a government’s leave occurred from the national property of the National Immovable Property Property with 1.34 ha on the Holy Cross. The decision was explained by the country’s Urbanism and lack of natural values. This is caused by the PerPetual USUFRRUAL OF AREAFRUS OF THE, and the Real Estate Back, Represented by the treasure, Represented by the treasure in kiely, ruled by the pis.
In 2023, the western Grant Bolaster and the back of the hospital were handed over to the use of the mission. The lease agreement, which is signed for 50 years, provides an annual fee of about 73 thousand. Pln dog, with the possibility of reconstruction.
The Matawes Government decisions and local authorities are recommended to the natural criticism, scientists, and higher audit management, which has been returned to the park. The Committee of Environmental Biology and Evolution of the Polish Academy of Political Academy has been informed inside the park, which is not a serious vascular vault in the park.
Basic photography source: The archive of TVNh24