According to the new analysis, scientists of Montana testiminals, chips in sources of educational services, explain the evolutionary use of oxygen by organisms.
The lower case of the lower case (lower constituency) is a heating package, which temperature is up to 88 degrees. It lives by unique mikounges that make up an ancient bacteria or registration.
In one of the local heating pools – there is a very high level of melt oxygen. In the second, the spring is called Constitute, has many hydrogenic substances.
Муҳаққиқони Донишгоҳи давлатии Монтаъа ин фарқиятҳои кимиёвӣ барои паст кардани зинда мондани ҳаётро таҳлил карданд – як чорабинии бузурги оксид (дар акси ҳол) – Чорабинии бузурги оксидия – Эҳтимол, муҳаррир) тақрибан 2,5 миллиард сол пеш.
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The evolution of ancient life
The oldest braces found on earth were able to use large quantities of oxygen in their biochemism. However, the appearance of high quality molecular oxygen and allowed them to develop a completely new tactics. In the high concentration of hydrogen sough, it may stop breathing mechanisms in oxygen organisms. Therefore, scientists suspected how the ancient life was in warm sources, combat and use the growing oxygen.
A group of scientists was run by a billed geomicobiologist, which lives in the garden of Yangon.
– Imagine that trying to create a warm water flow with the right quantity of oxygen and hydrogen. It will be very difficult to attract such a test in the laboratory test. And it is very cold in the study of these environments. We can observe in accurate geememia that need these organisms for development.
The team analyzed several examples with microbes from both sources, thanks, they can include diversity and oxygen activities in both environments.
One kind of oxygen microorganisms appeared in the spring of the octopeans, which must use other microorganism for living. They can’t produce food for themselves because they occur in other microorganisms. In this pool, life was very different. Almost all microorganisms were active for oxygen breathing.
But even in a weak oxygen environment and hydrogen cough, such as spring, which were very different, has been found, but hidden.
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They don’t need a large number of oxygen
Found in both sources, different enzymes that make oxygen by adding hydrogen in both sources. Interestingly, microorganisms in the spring can produce one, even if the oxygen exists.
“These enzymes are active at the oxygen level.
Their results showed that these genetic microbes breathe at the oxygen level, which are usually in the oxygen level, which is usually in order to support such activities and in conditions where poisoning is considered to be poisonous. And since this microorganism have such skills, it means they can also operate in the front of the Goe.
At the beginning of the land, the microbes should be developed in extreme conditions in extreme conditions. However, some have been able to avoid and develop a small amount of oxygen.
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