Do you want to translate your mobile app to make it easier for users in international markets? Translating this type of digital content comes with many very specific challenges. Learn more about the solutions you should consider if you need high quality translations for your mobile apps.
Why translate mobile apps?
Translation of your mobile app is essential for ease of use by international customers so that they can use all the features without causing problems due to language barriers.
Translating your mobile app into your users' native language is also an effective way to improve the user experience, build trust, and get closer to your users. Additionally, it can be very effective if you want to stand out from your competitors and stay competitive.
Finally, translation into multiple languages opens the door to a global audience, provides access to international markets, and can lead to a significant increase in mobile app downloads.
What challenges are there when translating mobile apps?
Translating mobile apps is a complex task that requires translators to work with a high degree of accuracy and accuracy, and to be able to deal with the challenges and special issues that come with it.
Translating mobile apps presents challenges such as:
Linguistic and cultural factors: Mobile apps use a variety of elements (text, images, numbers, notifications, buttons, etc.), and images, colors, and symbols can have different meanings in different cultures. Therefore, a good translation must take into account not only language, but also graphics and visual elements to suit the expectations of users in a particular country and for different mobile devices (e.g., iOS and iOS). Android): Translating app content for smartphones presents unique technical challenges depending on the specific type of device (Android or iOS-iPhone), so adapting your content to the user interface of these devices , requires practical and methodological knowledge. The text should be understandable to the user and at the same time agree with the platform's graphical profile. Space limitations: When a piece of text is translated, it can sometimes be longer or shorter than the original text, which can affect the layout of your app. For example, sentences translated from Danish to German can be longer in the target language than in the source language, which can pose a challenge for developers. Multidisciplinary skills: Translating mobile apps may also require multidisciplinary expertise, for example in the field of translation expertise. Marketing materials (slogans, slogans, calls to action, push notifications, etc.), website texts, legal materials (legal notices, general terms and conditions), etc. Therefore, translators need to be able to handle the complexities of these different areas to ensure a reliable translation. A reliable translation.
Additionally, poor translations can have a significant negative impact on the user experience. Therefore, if you want as many people as possible to download your mobile app and ensure the success of your project, ensuring a good user experience is important.
How do I translate my mobile app?
Homemade translation for mobile apps
Translating your mobile app yourself may seem like the best solution, but it's actually a complex and difficult task. This is the cheapest option, but also the one that causes the most problems. A good translation takes into account the cultural context in which the content is presented and is tailored to accurately match the target language speakers and the language norms of the country in question. Such adaptations may include idioms or formulas, cultural references, or other factors that can influence both word order and diction. The mobile app translation process is not only time-consuming, but also requires specialized knowledge and in-depth knowledge of the techniques that should be used. Additionally, various technical challenges can be difficult for amateur translators to overcome. This task can be arduous and complex, and errors can negatively impact the user experience and prevent you from using the app's features properly.
Machine translation for mobile apps
Translating mobile apps using automatic machine translation software is cost-effective, fast, and convenient. Although often cheap or even free, this type of software cannot compete with professional translators who are both IT experts and native speakers. The quality of machine translation is often lacking, and this solution often introduces significant errors in both word order and word selection. At the same time, random results generated by machine translation can have a significant negative impact on a brand's image, reducing user experience as well as reducing user trust in both the app and the company behind it. There is.
Professional translation for mobile apps
Our dedicated professional translators have the subject-specific expertise essential for high-quality results, and their knowledge of specific technical terminology ensures accurate translations tailored to the requirements of each project . Translators can also adjust content so that both meaning and context are maintained. Specifically, native language translators effectively translate all cultural references and stereotypes used in the source text to make them understandable to users and ensure a good user experience. . Additionally, professional native language translators can handle the technical and graphical limitations of translation, as well as the unique challenges of translating text for marketing and websites. Our translators also understand the nuances of writing text for the web, ensuring a comfortable reading experience and content tailored to the user platform.
Alphatrad has a global network of over 3,500 professional native translators, providing translations in over 100 languages, from the most common to the least common. The company's services include translations for mobile apps, e-commerce platforms, websites, business software, and more.