There were 983 convictions – 700 of which were initiated by the post office – linked to the defective IT Horizon program.
Persons whose convictions are canceled can apply to the reversed convictions, whether or not they are in the Glo group. It is this program that the government has taken responsibility for the post office.
In total, 111 people have canceled their convictions on November 29, 2024. But when the law promised by the government promises to overthrow all the convictions related to the scandal will become a reality, hundreds of other people will be eligible.
Those whose convictions are canceled can choose to take an accelerated settlement of £ 600,000. Or they can conclude negotiations if they believe they are entitled to more.
All eligible persons are entitled to “temporary” payment while their final regulations are treated. The government has financed the post office for these payments.
For people whose conviction is canceled by the new law, they can register for the Horizon Convictions Rethays program.
This will give them the right to a first provisional payment of £ 200,000. They can then decide to accept £ 600,000 or make their case heard entirely examined.
As of November 29, 2024, 61 million external sterling pounds were paid as part of this program, including other provisional payments.
The latest figures show that out of 111 applicants eligible in the OCS diet, 107 for initial provisional payments were received and paid.
Some 77 complaints for complete and finals regulations were made with 62 paid.