Iława. The story’s runner found the rainforer, ie the lower treasure of the deck of the sword. More than a thousand years ago
Source: Michał Madotek
He may have belonged to the warrior of the prussian tribe, and in addition to the practical implementation, he performed estetic and symbolic tasks. Local history of the jacket in the forest in the forest in the forest near IłaWa, IE Lower Location, more than a thousand years ago. Orfer wants to rich the statue to rich the museum in the handle.
“It’s or very rare, in addition, I’m absolutely decorated,” written in social media, michała madałk.
A local history girlfriend is a mall-filling of the middle centuries in the forest near Iława, IE discovered with a metal detector. Unable to inform Ellbegg to protect the monavts.
Artifacts found in the forest
Source: Michał Madotek
Three as the Documentary of the Social Security and Power
It finds the artifact that belongs to the tribe of the tribe of prussian prussian prussian warriors. She reminded the shoes – In addition to the practical implementation, IE, in addition to their use, strengthening and protection of breads from damage – as well as the brain and symbolic tasks of the sword. They formed the Social status indicator, which belongs to the team or has been performed in the tribe.
Look at it: gomuka was afraid that the Soviet is a piece of poles. The secret of the mouth was discovered at Biadowiża
Michałing boyfriend is local historical administration, which runs an Akava museum for 20 years. This second is such a discovery. The previous block that has been taken to the second half of the 10th century, such as dozens or hours, went to the Grandi and Mazarin Museum in Olsezia.
Miya Was discovered with a metal detector
Source: Michał Madotek
He wants her to go to the museum
The Creator announced that he would rich a museum for him.
– It will be the fifth of our first-century – Magonology from Museum of Studda Task Educańński łukukasz Szczepański with the Polish Press Agency.
He added that these are the demonstrations that were the use of swords in the region, which were elite weapons.
Will come back to the state of about a thousand years ago
Source: Michał Madotek
In March one tagged giant
Block from IłaWa is another valuable monument, recently discovered local history in the region. ViivoeGoopice Grovourse-masurrian. In the afternoon near the Lenchi, a member of the lovers of Khander Lander Zafavo has found a small discovered area of brong.
According to the specific protection services, the likelihood of the archaeologist is the likelihood of the Beauthate’s probability. Such the belts are hung on the top of the shoulder, and the sword was attached to the sword, were popular of the Legion Equipations. They were committed to their tribes to use their own use, where they were spreading in northern Europe and Baltic Samarks.
Author / author: TM / PKOZ
Source: pap
Source of main photos: Michał Madotek