Justice portal Mizan Online reported on Saturday that two judges of Iran’s Supreme Court were shot dead by an armed attacker. The attack that took place in the Tehran court building is considered by the service as a terrorist act.
The Mizan Online portal did not provide information about the motives of the attacker who committed suicide after attacking and shooting the judges. An investigation has been started based on this incident. These services are treating the attack as a terrorist act.
Justice Asghar Jahangir’s spokesman said that in recent years, judges Ali Rozini and Mohammad Mugishe were involved in important cases related to security and espionage.
He added: “In recent years, we have made a lot of efforts to detect spies and terrorist networks, to anger and frustrate our enemies.”
Services at Tehran’s Supreme Court after two judges were attacked Reuters
The court was sanctioned by the US
State television reported that the cases heard by the slain judges were related to US- and Israel-backed opposition.
Mugishe was 68 years old and had worked in Iran’s judicial system since the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979. In 2019, he was under US sanctions for overseeing “multiple unfair trials”. In turn, 71-year-old Razin, who held important positions in the justice system during his career, also had political activity.
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Main photo source: Reuters