Krzysztof Stanowski, journalist and owner of Channel Zero on YouTube, announced on Tuesday that he will participate in the Polish presidential election. – Who makes fun of the election campaign and presidential election more: Krzysztof Stanowski or Grzegorz Braun? – Michal Wroblewski, the host of the “Tlit” program, asked his guest, deputy Michal Polubochek from the Confederation of New Hope, with the same question. – This is a competition, – answered the guest of the program. – I think that the whole incident of Krzysztof Stanowski yesterday with those German flags is a joke. All the internet rage from the presidential election. He’s right, he looks at who’s voting. Committees of complete strangers are constantly being registered, so I somewhat agree with Krzysztof Stanowski that these elections smell like a farce, he added. Michal Wroblewski recalled that Stanowski announced that he would run for office, but that he did not intend to run for president. It was suspected that he had reached an agreement with the Confederation candidate Slawomir Mentzen and was going to support him. – Will Stanowski resign before the first round and maybe not transfer the votes directly, but still make a definite offer to support Mentzen? he asked his guest. – I don’t want to be like the members of Grzegorz Brown, who didn’t know until the last moment that he was going to start and said that there is no such thing. But I am 99 percent sure that there is no such agreement between Mr. Stanovski and Mr. Mentzen, – answered deputy Michal Polubocek.
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