Karol is not a flock of candidates of law and justice, but of course, we support us – said Jacek Sasin, Pis MP on Tuesday. He added that the party was “to nobody” don’t get out of this support and doesn’t allow the caradal exchange for someone else.
Jacek Sasin asked on Tuesday in “Padeki talk” about the candidate of Karol. He assured that he will be able to be a pest and support.
– he is not candidates of the law and justice, but of course, will support us. In no case we are not far from this, we do not intend to share it for everyone – said SASE. – Any further attack on a person’s personal attack shall only strengthen its position in this presidential competition.
– If you suggest our candidacy, I am immediately denied – he added.
Read more: Last presidential research
SASUIN: his false doesn’t follow anyone’s orders
According to Sasin Navrokur, she is not party candidate, because he was never a member. – who supports him in the campaign and follows the President, which does not follow the movement to the wickedness – he argued.
Main Source Source: Topn24