National Interputes of the National Interpectorate in the Department of the Master Milly Milly Master Power Pile Power Power Power Power Poloha. A year ago, the car cut off his feet to the place where the 8-year-older work. Auditors showed that he has no medical exam. There were neutralism there.
The observers of the National Wielkopololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololski national republics is controlled at Jankw in the Kukwi Capse. The reason for the 18-year-old UCs, which occurred in January 2024. While transactions, the machine used for a wood stranger, pulled the teenagers and cut their legs at the height height. PIP Observersually solved and prosecutor’s office.
See also: tragic accident with a furniture plant. 18 years of age lost his feet. Exploration of interest! and a large format.
Daria Warnoy-Gaężtephaka, Specelyepa said in Pozhenń said the audience is the technical condition of the plate of the plate. It turned out that there is a permanent cover for the spreading waste, due to the employer has not provided the victim party with safety at work.
18 years old is a person with disabilities
It may be said that the test showed that the employee was not familiar with health and safety rules and no medical examinations that had no conflicts.
– Назоратчиён, дар байни сабабҳои садамаи садама, ба таври номатлуби корманд ба минтақаи хатарнок ва психофизии номатлуби ӯ, ки ба таври номатлуби психофизатсия ва занги вокуниш ба ҳамдигар қайд карда шудааст, ВОҷкзак-Gaężtczak-gaężężężewska. It turned out that 18 years old was a person who was a disability before the accident
After the test, the Pian ostrantki offered a sentence of punishment to the court. The prosecutor’s office was also informed of crime.
Previously had another accident
Prosecutor – as Marsin Kubron Kubrene is explained from the district prosecutor’s office in the standard WLKP. The suspects are not guilty of. They faced up to 5 years in prison.
The investigation date was extended to April because additional circumstances were detected to indicate other violations.
– observers on enterprises located in the plant, and it was clear to clearly not worry that Pip was not reported before the other.
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket