One of the most off-fire fires in IWAT factory has been angry for decades. Fire consume more than two thousand hectares and forced thousands of people to still. Scientists explained that this is superior to the sudden conditions of the region since the beginning of February.
The fire was observed around the city of Oustataton on Wednesday, February 26. The hard wind symptoms that are injured by a strong wind and destroys the region at an area of 2100 hectares – it will increase three times throughout the year.
The Dushanbe was distributed to the local authorities to expand evacuation orders to the region about 4.600 of the commandments. The 2150 fires were attended by IWATO Prefecture in the fight against fire, which were supported by seven fire hutches. However, the scale of the element of the element that the meal came from other obstacles, including Tokyo.
Write a Below in February
Fire is harder because it is not raining around a few weeks. In February, the amount of precipitation in the city was 2.5 liters per square meter – usually about 41 l / sW / sq.
“The nodarinin holding the best says,” said Hoshiya Touriya Tougal with the Kiopon University with once with once a Japan. – In weather conditions, dry, the winds are strong and its area – a slope. In addition, many of the trees are conifferent species – added him.
Fire in the nearest endunato is so many topics in which the fire jumps between the crowns. The upper parts of the trees are usually drying up the mud, which causes the spread of their flames and challenges.
Main photos: PAP / EPA / ENGER and disaster management agency