This is the last moment to change the candidate. If the Kremlin’s tide was the official way – wrote. He was called to the Navrog’s words that today are in opposition to the decisions of Vladimir Putin brought to the Russian Federation and attacks in Ukraine. “The PIS Name of Candidate responded to the meeting of the President.
“Novokhoker said that Europe has created a war in Ukraine
The IS candidate has responded to the head’s entrance to the head’s entrance to the head of the President. “Mr. Donald, the Russian Federation is responsible for war in Ukraine to work out of double and rehabilitation, and the European assistant – the Election is the Election – to attack.
Nawroki About the “decision of the European Eliti”, which “brought to us”
The prime minister is called the previously registered PS candidate. Nawroki met with his supporters in Legivone (Valivodechiphipht) on Tuesday. During the speech, he criticized European erips. He accused them for the migration crisis or lower to cooperate with Russia. – after Paris and Murgs, we have seen the Elibery of the European Union in great identity and a large economic crisis. Europe elips can not treat any way in Europe and the world. Those who are responsible for the Polish government today and do not given the position of the President of the Republic, cannot be reproduced.
– Today, it provided for this year in relation to the decisions of this year, which brought the US war and the Russian Federation attacks in Ukraine. Yes, because of the European Elite Elitan, as well as due to the public elite, the Polish’s Principle was signed, Donald Donald. Over many years, the Russian Federation, who was down to Ukraine, attacked in Europe.
Karolish Karoki in Lashovnian24
According to the information you, it is not to say, “Balav is in the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister of the Poland and the EU-European Council. Europe, the European Committee and all European elite. Europe, the European Committee and all European elite. Europe, the European Committee and all European elite. Europe, the European Commission and all European elites in the migration crisis are aimed at that I will see the PIS candidate.
Trvziscentski: it threatens our business
On Wednesday, his competition, Warsaw’s Warsaw candidate and the President of Warsawz Relałh asked. – I urge me to talk with a security voice. Today, trying to use security issues only threatens to be threatened – threatens our motivation
Trzistskski about the words of the EU Slock on “Eliportoria”: It threatens our interests
– Later we often see this type of records on Russian television. Therefore, I recommend our national peace and consent. A security security security, mandatory security must be flowed from Poland. I worry, some are trying to use law enforcement.
“It’s a newrogue agreement
On Wednesday, the pressure of citizens, deputies of citizens’ coalition, Patrick and Iva Karolechsa also addressed the words of the PS candidate. – We want to tell the “No” company for practice. The offer and its leaders enjoy the war. It’s a rolling agreement – he said Jaskulki.
– We do not allow anyone to worry the truth – the fight in Ukraine is just the fault of Vladimir Putin. This is a crime responsible to which Putin is responsible – he stressed.
MP Iva Karolechksky said the words of the “Russian advertisement” is a “copy of Russian promotion.” Paweł BlIźniuk agreed that such a “novelty the President of the Republic of Poland”. In his opinion, “it’s the lack of the” Navrokial Police. that “Nawroki has no idea about international policy.”
Source of Key Photo: Pap / Paweł Supernak