– We were destroyed, now we don't know what to do. We don't know if the state will continue to help us or if they will abandon us – the residents of Ladek-Zdroj and Kłodzko, who were affected by the flood, tell Virtual Polska. They tell WP reporter Jakub Bujnik that some people sleep in wet houses and flats because they have no choice. – They do what they can, they put new plasters, but it doesn't make sense either, because the fungus will come out soon. It's winter, it won't dry anymore. Christmas will be the same, very sad – plus those who suffered in the September floods. The drama of the victims of the last flood continues. Residents of Lower Silesia from the affected cities admitted to us that they have not yet received the necessary help from the government and that they often manage to do it themselves. Businessmen and residents of Stronie Śląski, Żelazno, Ladek-Zdroj and Kłodzko tell us exactly what their last weeks have been like. – The first 10,000 from the state. We received PLN after a month. Three months later, we received a payment of PLN 50,000. zloty The loss from the house alone is estimated at around 200,000 PLN. We are waiting, maybe this money will come – we will hear. – We are waiting, we received 50,000. PLN, but this is a drop in the ocean of needs. I have a total loss of 600 thousand. Perhaps more than that – we've heard accounts from other victims. Many people have lost a roof over their heads and still don't know when they will return to normal life. Watch all the material from the Klodzko Valley three months after the flood.